On 23/09/2015 11:52, Markus Armbruster wrote:
> > I don't think this is necessary.  We should remove duplicate information
> > from qemu-doc.texi, developer documentation doesn't belong in manuals.
> Just to avoid misunderstandings: I wouldn't object to splitting
> qemu-doc.texi into a user manual and developer documentation.

That really boils down to moving chapter 6 somewhere else; everything
else is user documentation.  I think we should start with Dan's patch,
and then integrate it with any missing information from chapter 6.

Together with his build system docs, the non-texi developer
documentation is better than anything qemu-doc.texi has ever had
(*insert usual rant about perfect being the enemy of good*).

We also have the opposite problem (user documentation placed in docs/
instead of qemu-doc.texi) but that is separate.


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