(2010/05/15 5:44), Blue Swirl wrote:
On 5/11/10, Shin-ichiro KAWASAKI<kawas...@juno.dti.ne.jp> wrote:
Hello Blue Swirl, and thank you for the review.
Here's the patch modified according to your comments.
abort() is used instead of assert(), and const modifier added for
The patch does not apply. It seems to be based on some version before
Ah, I've not yet pulled newest one.
* - Performance tuning
@@ -508,6 +508,18 @@ typedef struct SM501State {
uint32_t dc_crt_hwc_color_1_2;
uint32_t dc_crt_hwc_color_3;
+ uint32_t _2d_destination;
+ uint32_t _2d_dimension;
+ uint32_t _2d_control;
+ uint32_t _2d_pitch;
+ uint32_t _2d_foreground;
+ uint32_t _2d_stretch;
+ uint32_t _2d_color_compare_mask;
+ uint32_t _2d_mask;
+ uint32_t _2d_window_width;
+ uint32_t _2d_source_base;
+ uint32_t _2d_destination_base;
While at it, could you remove the underscore prefix from the field names?
OK. I'll rename them, from _2d_* into twoD_*.
Thank you for the review.
Best Regards,
Shin-ichiro KAWASAKI