Eric Blake <> writes:

> On 09/05/2015 07:25 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
>>> Oh, and tests/qapi-schema/ is annoying - even when it exits
>>> non-zero, it does NOT cause a failure in 'make check-qapi-schema'.
>> Rather, it does not leave an obvious stack trace or immediate non-zero
>> status; and 'make check-qapi-schema' only fails as a side effect if
>> later output happens to differ from expectations.  I would have had a
>> much easier time chasing the problem if I'd had an obvious python stack
>> trace.
> Oh, I see what happened. It did capture a trace in .err; but since the
> code checks for differences in .out before .err, I didn't even realize
> there was a trace to look at.

Yes, and it has annoyed me, too.  Perhaps we should do something like
this (entirely untested):

diff --git a/tests/Makefile b/tests/Makefile
index 92d682f..d622356 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile
+++ b/tests/Makefile
@@ -519,13 +519,12 @@ check-tests/ tests/
 $(patsubst %, check-%, $(check-qapi-schema-y)): check-%.json: 
        $(call quiet-command, PYTHONPATH=$(SRC_PATH)/scripts \
                $(PYTHON) $(SRC_PATH)/tests/qapi-schema/ \
-               $^ >$*.test.out 2>$*.test.err; \
+               $^ >$*.test.out 2>$*.test.raw-err; \
                echo $$? >$*.test.exit, \
                "  TEST  $*.out")
-       @diff -q $(SRC_PATH)/$*.out $*.test.out
        @# Sanitize error messages (make them independent of build directory)
-       @perl -p -e 's|\Q$(SRC_PATH)\E/||g' $*.test.err | diff -q 
$(SRC_PATH)/$*.err -
-       @diff -q $(SRC_PATH)/$*.exit $*.test.exit
+       @perl -p -e 's|\Q$(SRC_PATH)\E/||g' $*.test.raw-err >$*.test.err
+       @diff -q $(SRC_PATH)/$*.out $*.test.out && diff -q $(SRC_PATH)/$*.err 
$*.test.err && diff -q $(SRC_PATH)/$*.exit $*.test.exit
 # Consolidated targets

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