On 08/18/2015 05:10 PM, Max Reitz wrote:
> Split the part which actually refreshes the BlockDriverState.filename
> field off of bdrv_refresh_filename() into a more generic function
> bdrv_filename(), which first calls bdrv_refresh_filename() and then
> stores a qemu-usable filename into the given buffer instead of
> BlockDriverState.filename.
> Since bdrv_refresh_filename() therefore no longer refreshes that field,
> some calls to that function have to be replaced by calls to
> bdrv_filename() "manually" refreshing the BDS filename field (this is
> only temporary).
> Additionally, a wrapper function bdrv_filename_alloc() is added which
> allocates a buffer of size PATH_MAX, call bdrv_filename() on that buffer
> and returns it, since needing a temporary buffer for the filename is a
> rather common pattern.
> Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com>
> ---
>  block.c               | 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
>  block/blkverify.c     |  3 ++-
>  block/quorum.c        |  2 +-
>  include/block/block.h |  2 ++
>  4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

> +/* First refreshes exact_filename and full_open_options by calling
> + * bdrv_refresh_filename(). Then, if exact_filename is set, it is copied into
> + * the target buffer. Otherwise, full_open_options is converted to a JSON
> + * object, prefixed with "json:" (for use through the JSON pseudo protocol) 
> and
> + * put there.
> + *
> + * If sz > 0, the string put into the buffer will always be null-terminated.
> + *
> + * Returns @dest.
> + */
> +char *bdrv_filename(BlockDriverState *bs, char *dest, size_t sz)
> +{

How does one tell if 'sz' was large enough, vs. too short and therefore
the snprintf() truncated the resulting string?  Would the code be any
simpler if this always returned a freshly g_malloc'd string of the right
length, rather than making the caller have to pre-allocate and guess
whether the allocation was big enough?

> +    bdrv_refresh_filename(bs);
> +
> +    if (sz > INT_MAX) {
> +        sz = INT_MAX;
> +    }
>      if (bs->exact_filename[0]) {
> -        pstrcpy(bs->filename, sizeof(bs->filename), bs->exact_filename);
> +        pstrcpy(dest, sz, bs->exact_filename);
>      } else if (bs->full_open_options) {
>          QString *json = qobject_to_json(QOBJECT(bs->full_open_options));
> -        snprintf(bs->filename, sizeof(bs->filename), "json:%s",
> -                 qstring_get_str(json));
> +        snprintf(dest, sz, "json:%s", qstring_get_str(json));
>          QDECREF(json);
>      }
> +
> +    return dest;

In other words, I think it's very dangerous to use snprintf() without
checking whether the result fit.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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