MagicCat Software <> writes:

> On Aug 29, 2015, at 7:04 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
>> On 08/29/2015 11:36 AM, Programmingkid wrote:
>>>>> Mac OS X is a second-class citizen in the QEMU world...
>>>> Might have to do something with most (?) of it being non-free and Apple
>>>> not caring enough about KVM.
>>> Fact, Apple has made an hypervisor API available as of Mac OS 10.10, so who
>>> knows. Maybe in the future someone will implement KVM support on Mac OS X.
>>> Fact, Apple now gives away Mac OS X for free. Yes I know, it is
>>> only for Apple-only
>>> hardware still. 
>> No monetary cost is not the same as free.  Where can I get the source
>> code without being forced to agree to a non-free license, or forced to
>> buy particular hardware?
> Apple employees need to eat also. :)

I'm a Red Hat employee, and my diet is just fine, thank you.

That said, y'all welcome to discuss business models, the philosophy of
free software, inhowfar $corporation contributes to society, or whether
a corporation has any obligations beyond making its shareholders money,
but *please* don't do it on this list.

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