27.08.2015, 19:54, "Peter Maydell" <peter.mayd...@linaro.org>:
> On 26 August 2015 at 12:36, Sergey Sorokin <afaral...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>>  If any store instruction writes the code inside the same TB
>>  after this store insn, the execution of the TB must be stopped
>>  to execute new code correctly.
>>  As described in ARMv8 manual D3.4.6 a self-modified code need to do
>>  IC invalidation to be valid. So it's enough to end the TB
>>  after IC invalidation instruction on the code translation.
> I think it would be better to fix this problem by requiring
> that we end the TB on every ISB instruction. We need to do
> that anyway, because the v8 ARM ARM D1.14.4 says that we
> must take interrupts immediately after an ISB. And if you have
> self-modifying code then you'll need to put an ISB between
> the store and the execution, so it will deal with your bug too.
> thanks
> -- PMM

Such was the first internal version of the patch, but I altered it before the 
sending :) Ok, I'll bring back this solution.

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