On 8/18/15 01:31, Richard Henderson wrote:
> On 08/15/2015 11:16 AM, Chen Gang wrote:
>> But what you said is really quite valuable to me!! we can treat the flag
>> as a caller saved context, then can let the caller can use callee freely
>> (in fact, I guess, the real hardware treats it as caller context, too).
>>  - we have to define the flag format based on the existing format in the
>>    related docs and tilegx.md (reserve 0-20 and 25-31 bits).
>>  - We can only use 21-24 for mark addsub, mul, or typecast result. If
>>    21-24 bits are all zero, it means typecast result. For fsingle: 32-63
>>    bits is the input integer; for fdouble: srca is the input integer.
> Plausible.
>>  - For addsub and mul result, we use 32-63 bits for an index of resource
>>    handler (like 'fd' returned by open). fsingle_addsub2, fsingle_mul1,
>>    fdouble_mul_flags, fdouble_addsub allocate resource, and pack1 free.
> No, that's a bad idea.  No state external to the inputs to the insns.

We can use 21-24 bits for the state external to the inputs to the insns.
My idea is below:

 * Single floaing point instructions decription.
 *  - fsingle_add1, fsingle_sub1, and fsingle_pack1/2 can be used individually.
 *  - when fsingle_pack1/2 is used individually, it is for type cast.
 *  - the old 4Kth result is alrealy useless for caller.
 * fsingle_add1        ; make context and calc result from rsrca and rsrcb.
 *                     ; save result in roundup array, and add index to context.
 *                     ; move context to rdst.
 * fsingle_sub1        ; make context and calc result from rsrca and rsrcb.
 *                     ; save result in roundup array, and add index to context.
 *                     ; move context to rdst.
 * fsingle_addsub2     ; skipped.
 * fsingle_mul1        ; make context and calc result from rsrca and srcb.
 *                     ; save result in roundup array, and add index to context.
 *                     ; move context to rdst.
 * fsingle_mul2        ; move rsrca to rdst.
 * fsingle_pack1       ; skipped.
 * fsingle_pack2       ; get context from rsrca (rsrca is context).
 *                     ; if context for add/sub/mul
 *                     ;     get result from roundup array based on index.
 *                     ;     move result to rdst.
 *                     ; else
 *                     ;     get (u)int32_t interger from context,
 *                     ;     (u)int32_to_float32.

 * Double floating point instructions' description.
 *  - fdouble_add_flags, fdouble_sub_flags, and fdouble_pack1/2 can be used
 *    individually.
 *  - when fdouble_pack1/2 is used individually, it is for type cast.
 *  - the old 4Kth result is alrealy useless for caller.
 * fdouble_unpack_max: ; skipped.
 * fdouble_unpack_min: ; skipped.
 * fdouble_add_flags:  ; make context and calc result from rsrca and rsrcb.
 *                     ; save result in roundup array, and add index to context.
 *                     ; move context to rdst.
 * fdouble_sub_flags:  ; make context and calc result from rsrca and rsrcb.
 *                     ; save result in roundup array, and add index to context.
 *                     ; move context to rdst.
 * fdouble_addsub:     ; skipped.
 * fdouble_mul_flags:  ; make context and calc result from rsrca and rsrcb.
 *                     ; save result in roundup array, and add index to context.
 *                     ; move context to rdst.
 * fdouble_pack1:      ; get context from rsrcb.
 *                     ; if context for add/sub/mul
 *                     ;     get result from roundup array based on index.
 *                     ;     move result to rdst.
 *                     ; else
 *                     ;     get (u)int32_t interger from rsrca
 *                     ;     (u)int32_to_float64.
 * fdouble_pack2:      ; skipped.

#define TILEGX_F_COUNT 0x1000  /* Maximized results count for fdouble */

#define TILEGX_F_DUINT 0x21b00 /* exp is for uint32_t to double */
#define TILEGX_F_DINT  0xa1b00 /* exp is for int32_t to double */
#define TILEGX_F_SUINT 0x9e    /* exp is for uint32_t to single */
#define TILEGX_F_SINT  0x29e   /* exp is for int32_t to single */

#define TILEGX_F_TCAST 0       /* Result type is for typecast, MUST BE 0 */
#define TILEGX_F_TCALC 1       /* Result type is for add/sub/mul */

#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct TileGXFPCtx {

    /* According to float(uns)sisf2 and float(uns)sidf2 in gcc tilegx.md */
    uint64_t exp : 20;         /* Exponent, for TILEGX_F_(D/S)(U)INT */

    /* Context type, defined and used by callee */
    uint64_t type : 5;         /* For TILEGX_F_T(CAST/CALC) */

    /* Come from TILE-Gx ISA document, Table 7-2 for floating point */
    uint64_t unordered : 1;    /* The two are unordered */
    uint64_t lt : 1;           /* 1st is less than 2nd */
    uint64_t le : 1;           /* 1st is less than or equal to 2nd */
    uint64_t gt : 1;           /* 1st is greater than 2nd */
    uint64_t ge : 1;           /* 1st is greater than or equal to 2nd */
    uint64_t eq : 1;           /* The two operands are equal */
    uint64_t neq : 1;          /* The two operands are not equal */

    /* Result data according to the context type */
    uint64_t data : 32;        /* The explanation is below */
#if 0
    /* This is the explanation for 'data' above */
    union {
        uint32_t idx;          /* Index for the add/sub/mul result */
        uint32_t aint;         /* Absolute input integer for fsingle typecast */
         * There is no input integer for fdouble typecast in context, it is in
         * rsrca parameter of fdouble_pack1 instruction.
} TileGXFPCtx;
#pragma pack(pop)

typedef struct FPUTLGState {
    float_status fp_status;         /* floating point status */
    int pos32;                      /* Current position for fsingle result */
    int pos64;                      /* Current position for fdouble result */
    float32 val32s[TILEGX_F_COUNT]; /* results roudup array for fsingle */
    float64 val64s[TILEGX_F_COUNT]; /* results roudup array for fdouble */
} FPUTLGState;

> It really would be nice if we had the same documentation that was used
> to implement the gcc backend.  Otherwise we have to rely on guesswork.
> For single-precision it appears that the format is
>   63                                      31          24   10  9     0
>   [ mantissa with implicit and guard bits | cmp flags | ?? | s | exp ]
> We are able to deduce the bias for the exponent based on the input gcc gives 
> us
> for floatunssisf: 0x9e == 2**31 when the mantissa is normalized.
> So:
>   fsingle_add1, fsingle_sub1: Perform the operation.  Split the result
>   such that all of the fields above are filled in.
>   fsingle_mul1: Perform the operation.  Split the result such that all
>   of the fields above except for cmp-flags are filled in.
>   fsingle_addsub2: Nop.
>   fsingle_mul2: Move srca to dest.
>   fsingle_pack1: Normalize and repack the above.  In the add/sub/mul case,
>   no normalization will be required, so no change to the result occurs.
>   In the floatunssisf2 case, the input implicit bit may not be set, and
>   guard bits may be set, so real rounding and normalization must occur,
>   adjusting the exponent constructed by gcc in building the flags.
> For double-precision things are more complicated.  Precisely because there is
> no dedicated fdouble_mul[1-4] instructions, but instead gcc is to use a normal
> 128-bit integer multiplication on the mantissa.
> For double-precision it appears that the format is
>          63               57                           4            0
>   unpack [ overflow bits? | mantissa with implicit bit | guard bits ]
>          63   31          24   20  19    8    0
>   flags  [ ?? | cmp flags | ?? | s | exp | ?? ]
> Similarly we can compute the bias for exp as 0x21b == 2**53.
> Or is it 20 bits of exponent and 0x21b00 == 2**53?
> So:
>   fdouble_unpack_max, fdouble_unpack_min: Perform the operation as described,
>   extracting the mantissa of the min/max absolute value.
>   fdouble_add_flags, fdouble_sub_flags: Extract the signs and exponent of the
>   sources, and compute the sign and exponent of the result.  Set a bit,
>   presumably one of [24:21] that tell fdouble_addsub whether to perform
>   addition or subtraction.  Set the comparison flags.
>   fdouble_mul_flags: Extract the signs and exponent of the sources, and 
> compute
>   the sign and exponent of the result.  Note that the result of the 128-bit
>   multiplication is guaranteed to be non-normalized : the 2 57-bit inputs will
>   produce a 114-bit intermediate result.  Which means that bits [63:51] are
>   guaranteed to be zero on entry to the pack stages.  Which means that some
>   bias will need to be applied to the intermediate exponent.
>   fdouble_addsub: Add or subtract the mantissas based on a bit in flags.
>   fdouble_pack1: Move flags (srcb) to result (dest).
>   fdouble_pack2: Take the 128-bit mantissa of srca+srcb, the flags of dest,
>   and normalize and pack the result.

OK, thanks, what you said above sounds reasonable. It is more precise
than my current implementation (but it is also a little more complex).

For me, if my current implementation can not pass gcc testsuite (I guess
not), I shall try to implement what you said above, next.

Chen Gang

Open, share, and attitude like air, water, and life which God blessed

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