This series of patches are for qemu master branch. They make qemu initially support fulong (Loongson-2E based) mini pc, a new type of MIPS machine. Usage: 1, Load PMON as bios, and then load OS in PMON shell qemu-system-mips64el -M fulong2e -bios pmon_fulong2e.bin -hda /root/hda.img 2, Load OS directly with -kernel parameter qemu-system-mips64el -M fulong2e -kernel vmlinux -append "root=/dev/hda1 console=ttyS0" -hda /root/hda.img
Patches include: 1, Initial support of bonito north bridge used by fulong mini pc 2, Initial support of vt82686b south bridge used by fulong mini pc 3, Initial support of VIA IDE controller used by fulong mini pc 4, Initial support of VIA USB controller used by fulong mini pc 5, Initial support of fulong mini pc (CPU definition, machine construction, etc.) 6, PMON(binary file) used by fulong mini pc Signed-off-by: Huacai Chen <> -- Huacai Chen