Eric Blake <> writes:

> On 07/28/2015 03:13 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
>>>>> -def generate_command_decl(name, args, ret_type):
>>>>> -    arglist=""
>>>>> +def gen_command_decl(name, args, rets):
>>>> I can see how 'args' is plural (even if it is a single string for the
>>>> name of a type containing the args), but should it be 'ret' instead of
>>>> 'rets'?
>>> I'm open to better ideas on terminology.
>> Not sure I'm thinking of anything better; so while I found it unusual,
>> the explanation helps and I certainly won't reject it as wrong.
> Maybe gen_command_decl(name, arg_type, ret_type) since we've already
> reduced the set of dictionaries into a single type name (where the type
> name is possibly implicit)?  After all, we're not calling the function
> with a python list or set, but with a singlar string (where that string
> is the name of a type, and it is the type that then has multiple members
> to form plural arguments or plural return values).  A bit more typing,
> though, so up to you.

Okay, I'll try and see how these names pan out.

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