> For linux, you need cirrusfb - either compiled into the kernel
> (CONFIG_FB_CIRRUS=y) or loaded as a module.
> Then the default options should be sufficient for malta.

Are you sure? I 've already tried this solution. and after I tired of
this trying solution, I began to write my own one.
I check the mips qemu code, and it does not call anything like
framebuffer_update_display function(maybe it was accomplished in
another way.)
But I need the qemu to jump out another window(just like
arm-system-qemu, like a virtual monitor) to show my mips linux.
Obviously, I didn't find out a certain way to do this.

Thanks for you reply.
Do you have any ideal for my qemu plight?
I do not have much linux/qemu develop experience.

Thanks again.

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