* Yang Hongyang (yan...@cn.fujitsu.com) wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> On 07/24/2015 10:12 AM, Jason Wang wrote:
> >
> >
> >On 07/24/2015 10:04 AM, Dong, Eddie wrote:
> >>Hi Stefan:
> >>    Thanks for your comments!
> >>
> >>>On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 02:42:33PM +0800, Li Zhijian wrote:
> >>>>We are planning to implement colo-proxy in qemu to cache and compare
> >>>packets.
> >>>
> >>>I thought there is a kernel module to do that?
> >>    Yes, that is the previous solution the COLO sub-community choose to go, 
> >> but we realized it might be not the best choices, and thus we want to 
> >> bring discussion back here :)  More comments are welcome.
> >>
> >
> >Hi:
> >
> >Could you pls describe more details on this decision? What's the reason
> >that you realize it was not the best choice?
> Below is my opinion:
> We realized that there're disadvantages do it in kernel spaces:
> 1. We need to recompile kernel: the colo-proxy kernel module is
>    implemented as a nf conntrack extension. Adding a extension need to
>    modify the extension struct in-kernel, so recompile kernel is needed.

That change is tiny though, so I don't think the change to the kernel
is a big issue (but I'm not a netfilter guy).

(For those following, the patch is:
The comparison modules are bigger though, but still not massive.

> 2. We need to recompile iptables/nftables to use together with the colo-proxy
>    kernel module.

Again, the changes to iptables are small; so I don't think this should
influence it too much.

The bigger problem shown by 1&2 is that these changes are single-use - just for
COLO, which does make it a little harder to justify.

> 3. Need to configure primary host to forward input packets to secondary as
>    well as configure secondary to forward output packets to primary host, the
>    network topology and configuration is too complex for a regular user.

Yes, and that bit is HARD - it took me quite a while to get it right; however,
we'll still need to forward packets between primary and secondary, and all that
hard setup should get rolled into something like libvirt, so perhaps it's not 
that bad for the user in the end.

> You can refer to http://wiki.qemu.org/Features/COLO
> to see the network topology and the steps to setup an env.
> Setup a test env is too complex. The usability is so important to a feature
> like COLO which provide VM FT solution, if fewer people can/willing to
> setup the env, the feature is useless. So we decide to develop user space
> colo-proxy.
> The advantage is obvious,
> 1. we do not need to recompile kernel.
> 2. No need to recompile iptables/nftables.
> 3. we do not need to deal with the network configuration, we just using a
>    socket connection between 2 QEMUs to forward packets.
> 4. A complete VM FT solution in one go, we have already developed the block
>    replication in QEMU, so with the network replication in QEMU, all
>    components we needed are within QEMU, this is very important, it greatly
>    improves the usability of COLO feature! We hope it will gain more testers,
>    users and developers.
> 5. QEMU will gain a complete VM FT solution and the most advantage FT solution
>    so far!
> Overall, usability is the most important factor that impact our choice.

My biggest worry is your reliance on SLIRP for the TCP/IP stack; it
doesn't get much work done on it and I worry about it's reliability for
using it for the level of complexity you need.

Your current kernel implementation gets all the nf_conntrack stuff for free
which is very powerful.

However, I can see some advantages from doing it in user space; it would
be easier to debug, and possibly easier to configure, and might also be easier
to handle continuous FT (i.e. transferring the state of the proxy to a new COLO

I think at the moment I'd still prefer kernel space (especially since your 
code now works pretty reliably!)

Another thought; if you're main worry is to do with the complexity of kernel
changes, had you considered looking at the bpf-jit - I'm not sure if it can
do what you need, but perhaps it's worth a look?

P.S. I think 'proxy' is still the right word to describe it rather than 

> >
> >Thanks
> >.
> >
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Yang.
Dr. David Alan Gilbert / dgilb...@redhat.com / Manchester, UK

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