The following changes since commit f73ca7363440240b7ee5ee7f7ddb1c64751efb54:

  Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/mst/tags/for_upstream' into staging 
(2015-07-20 13:25:28 +0100)

are available in the git repository at:

  git:// tags/net-pull-request

for you to fetch changes up to 625de449fc5597f2e1aff9cb586e249e198f03c9:

  net: Flush queued packets when guest resumes (2015-07-20 18:11:24 +0100)



Dana Rubin (1):
  net/vmxnet3: Fix RX TCP/UDP checksum on partially summed packets

Fam Zheng (4):
  musicpal: Drop eth_can_receive
  etraxfs_eth: Drop eth_can_receive
  lan9118: Drop lan9118_can_receive
  net: Flush queued packets when guest resumes

Jason Wang (1):
  socket: pass correct size in net_socket_send()

Shmulik Ladkani (1):
  net/vmxnet3: Refactor 'vmxnet_rx_pkt_attach_data'

 hw/arm/musicpal.c      |  6 -----
 hw/net/etraxfs_eth.c   |  6 -----
 hw/net/lan9118.c       |  6 -----
 hw/net/vmxnet3.c       | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/net/vmxnet_rx_pkt.c | 12 +++++++---
 hw/net/vmxnet_rx_pkt.h | 11 ++++++++++
 net/net.c              | 19 ++++++++++------
 net/socket.c           |  2 +-
 8 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)


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