On 06/07/2015 10:33, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
> Also, by luck, some values work the same whatever the endian-ness.
> E.g. dma_memory_set fills the buffer with a given pattern, so
> nothing changes if you byte-swap it.
> Here's an example that's wrong: dp8393x. Typically it's accessing
> memory for DMA, so there's no byteswap. Works fine.
> But should device attempt to access another device memory,
> it would break because MIPS target is BE.
> Cc Hervé for confirmation.
> I conclude that virtio is not so special in needing a variant
> of address_space_rw that assumes host endian format for the data.

Why host endian and not device (in this case little) endian?


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