Am 23.06.2015 um 14:19 schrieb Christian Borntraeger:
> Am 23.06.2015 um 13:57 schrieb Markus Armbruster:
>> Ting Wang <> writes:
>>> Hi Luiz and Markus,
>>> Would you like to pick up this patch, which has
>>> been reviewed by Stefan and Fam?
>> Looks like this fell through the cracks back in March.  You should've
>> asked for merge much earlier.  Pinging the maintainer after two weeks is
>> fair.
>> I just did a monitor pull, and I can't yet say whether I'll do another
>> for 2.4.
>> Quick review inline.
> Is there some patch available that allows someone to query the disks attached 
> to
> an iothread (or check if a disk uses iothreads?). I had several testers 
> asking why
> x-dataplane is off after specifying iothread. Maybe this information could be
> added here as well?

To make my last point clear. I know that x-dataplane != iothread, but people
google for "is data plane enabled" and the only answer they find is 
because iothreads are not visible for drives (e.g. via info qtree).

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