On 27/05/2015 14:41, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 02:35:26PM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
>>              case QEMU_OPTION_watchdog:
>> -                if (watchdog) {
>> -                    fprintf(stderr,
>> -                            "qemu: only one watchdog option may be 
>> given\n");
>> -                    return 1;
>> +                olist = qemu_find_opts("watchdog");
>> +                opts = qemu_opts_parse(olist, optarg, 1);
>> +                if (!opts) {
>> +                    exit(1);
>>                  }
> Is there an error message missing (before the call to exit)?
> Patch seems OK otherwise.
> libvirt still uses
>   -watchdog <model> -watchdog-action <action>
> Should it be changed to use -device?  I'm guessing for backwards
> compatibility with old and current qemu it probably shouldn't be
> changed for a few years.

-device has been working forever for watchdogs.  Changing libvirt to
-device would be possible, but cosmetic.  Changing to "-watchdog
action=foo" is also entirely cosmetic, and would not work on older
QEMUs, so again there's no need.

The advantage of this patch would be for -readconfig users, which
couldn't specify the watchdog action.  Or you could put '[watchdog]
action="pause"' in /etc/qemu/qemu.conf if you're into obscure
configuration files.


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