On 4/14/10, Gerd Hoffmann <kra...@redhat.com> wrote:
>  +static inline void atomic_or(uint32_t *var, uint32_t add)
>  +{
>  +   __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; orl %1, %0" : "+m" (*var) : "r" (add) : 
> "memory");
>  +}

This will break on non-x86 hosts.

>  +static QXLInterface qxl_interface = {
>  +    .base.type               = SPICE_INTERFACE_QXL,
>  +    .base.description        = "qxl gpu",
>  +    .base.major_version      = SPICE_INTERFACE_QXL_MAJOR,
>  +    .base.minor_version      = SPICE_INTERFACE_QXL_MINOR,
>  +
>  +    .pci_vendor              = REDHAT_PCI_VENDOR_ID,
>  +    .pci_id                  = QXL_DEVICE_ID,
>  +    .pci_revision            = QXL_REVISION,
>  +
>  +    .attache_worker          = interface_attach_worker,
>  +    .set_compression_level   = interface_set_compression_level,
>  +    .set_mm_time             = interface_set_mm_time,
>  +
>  +    .get_init_info           = interface_get_init_info,
>  +    .get_command             = interface_get_command,
>  +    .req_cmd_notification    = interface_req_cmd_notification,
>  +    .has_command             = interface_has_command,
>  +    .release_resource        = interface_release_resource,
>  +    .get_cursor_command      = interface_get_cursor_command,
>  +    .req_cursor_notification = interface_req_cursor_notification,
>  +    .get_update_area         = interface_get_update_area,
>  +    .notify_update           = interface_notify_update,
>  +    .set_save_data           = interface_set_save_data,
>  +    .get_save_data           = interface_get_save_data,
>  +    .flush_resources         = interface_flush_resources,
>  +};

Could this (and other similar cases) be const?

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