
I am a newcomer on QEMU so I would like to ask a few questions about the way 
QEMU works before beginning to  develop.

After some experiments and after having read the source code I understood that 
the time (the clocks) on which the timers are based in QEMU depends:
on the host clock
on the scheduling policy of the host, since the timers seem to continue running 
even when qemu program execution is preempted by the host's OS. Actually, the 
timers seem to be based on "real time" (i mean watch clock) and not on a 
"machine time".on qemu execution time
What I would need is to base timers on a time which increase only when qemu is 
really running.
Actually, I want to control the execution time of some code thanks to timers 
and i need timers which "stop":
when qemu is preempted by the host OSwhen qemu is not running user code

Before going further, could you confirm me that there is no existing option 
which enables to do that ?

This may be (and may be not) how this problem could be solve  (just an ideas, 
not an implementation solution): to count the n instructions executed (at block 
level if it is too costly to do it at instruction level) on the target emulated 
since the last update and to increment timers with n*mean_execution_time_of_one 
instruction_on_target. This would not be very precise but better than nothing. 
It would be much less difficult than counting all instructions of each kind and 
multiply them by there proper mean execution time which would be a better 
solution (the very best solution should be to compute these times taking into 
account the access times to memory and caches which can change for every 
instruction ...).

Do you think it would be a good idea to specify and implement that solution to 
offer a supplementary option to the user ?
If yes, could you please explain me how I must proceed to offer a branch 
development to one of the current qemu version developped ?
If you have any idea about where to begin to deal with this issue, all 
suggestions are welcomed ...

Thanks in advance.


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