On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Mulyadi Santosa wrote:


On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 03:09, Gerhard Wiesinger <li...@wiesinger.com> wrote:

Booting DOS 6.22 with NT4 Bootloader works fine. With enabled KVM it boots,
but hangs at counting down the boot loader selection menu (30s, 29s, hang).
Booting Knoppix 6.2 from CD wwith KVM orks well.

Versions (0.12.3):
x86_64-softmmu: OK
i386-softmmu: OK
x86_64-softmmu with -enable-kvm: Boot problem
i386-softmmu with -enable-kvm: Boot problem

Host is: Fedora 11 on AMD Phenom II Quad Core

IMHO, the problem is, we have to find out first, how the bootloader do
the timing. Is it using tight loop? Counting from TSC? PIT? or else?

I suggest to dump the executed TB in Qemu. Please read about -d option.

NB: I am not an expert, just trying to help....

OK, uses the following ports:
Port 0x20: 8259 interrupt controller
Port 0x40: 8253 timer

Interrupt 0x1A:
ah=0x00: fetches system timer counters
ah=0x02: reads the clock
ah=0x04: fetches date

So there must be something wrong with KVM with the above functionality (I guess the timers).



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