I created/deleted the snapshot by using qmp command "snapshot_blkdev_internal"/"snapshot_delete_blkdev_internal", and for avoiding the case you mentioned above, I have added the flock() permission in the qemu_open().
Here is the test of doing qemu-img snapshot to a running vm: Diskfile:/sf/data/36c81f660e38b3b001b183da50b477d89_f8bc123b3e74/images/host-f8bc123b3e74/4a8d8728fcdc/Devried30030.vm/vm-disk-1.qcow2 is used! errno=Resource temporarily unavailable Does the two cluster entry happen to be the same because of the refcount of using cluster decrease to 0 unexpectedly and is allocated again? If it was not accessing the image from more than one process, any other exceptions I can test for? Thanks leijian From: Eric Blake Date: 2015-04-07 23:27 To: Kevin Wolf; leijian CC: qemu-devel; stefanha Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [Snapshot Bug?]Qcow2 meta data corruption On 04/07/2015 03:33 AM, Kevin Wolf wrote: > More specifically, did you take care to never access your image from > more than one process (except if both are read-only)? It happens > occasionally that people use 'qemu-img snapshot' while the VM is > running. This is wrong and can corrupt the image. Since this has been done by more than one person, I'm wondering if there is something we can do in the qcow2 format itself to make it harder for the casual user to cause corruption. Maybe if we declare some bit or extension header for an image open for writing, which other readers can use as a warning ("this image is being actively modified; reading it may fail"), and other writers can use to deny access ("another process is already modifying this image"), where a writer should set that bit before writing anything else in the file, then clear it on exit. Of course, you'd need a way to override the bit to actively clear it to recover from the case of a writer dying unexpectedly without resetting it normally. And it won't help the case of a reader opening the file first, followed by a writer, where the reader could still get thrown off track. Or maybe we could document in the qcow2 format that all readers and writers should attempt to obtain the appropriate flock() permissions [or other appropriate advisory locking scheme] over the file header, so that cooperating processes that both use advisory locking will know when the file is in use by another process. -- Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266 Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org