On 03/09/2015 04:55 PM, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
> * Wen Congyang (we...@cn.fujitsu.com) wrote:
>> On 03/07/2015 02:30 AM, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
>>> * zhanghailiang (zhang.zhanghaili...@huawei.com) wrote:
>>>> On 2015/3/5 21:31, Dr. David Alan Gilbert (git) wrote:
>>>>> From: "Dr. David Alan Gilbert" <dgilb...@redhat.com>
>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>   I'm getting COLO running on a couple of our machines here
>>>>> and wanted to see what was actually going on, so I merged
>>>>> in my recent rolling-stats code:
>>>>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2015-03/msg00648.html
>>>>> with the following patch, and now I get on the primary side,
>>>>> info migrate shows me:
>>>>> capabilities: xbzrle: off rdma-pin-all: off auto-converge: off 
>>>>> zero-blocks: off colo: on
>>>>> Migration status: colo
>>>>> total time: 0 milliseconds
>>>>> colo checkpoint (ms): Min/Max: 0, 10000 Mean: -1.1415868e-13 (Weighted: 
>>>>> 4.3136025e-158) Count: 4020 Values: 0@1425561742237, 0@1425561742300, 
>>>>> 0@1425561742363, 0@1425561742426, 0@1425561742489, 0@1425561742555, 
>>>>> 0@1425561742618, 0@1425561742681, 0@1425561742743, 0@1425561742824
>>>>> colo paused time (ms): Min/Max: 55, 2789 Mean: 63.9 (Weighted: 76.243584) 
>>>>> Count: 4019 Values: 62@1425561742237, 62@1425561742300, 62@1425561742363, 
>>>>> 62@1425561742426, 61@1425561742489, 65@1425561742555, 62@1425561742618, 
>>>>> 62@1425561742681, 61@1425561742743, 80@1425561742824
>>>>> colo checkpoint size: Min/Max: 18351, 2.1731606e+08 Mean: 150096.4 
>>>>> (Weighted: 127195.56) Count: 4020 Values: 211246@1425561742238, 
>>>>> 186622@1425561742301, 227662@1425561742364, 219454@1425561742428, 
>>>>> 268702@1425561742490, 96334@1425561742556, 47086@1425561742619, 
>>>>> 42982@1425561742682, 55294@1425561742744, 145582@1425561742825
>>>>> which suggests I've got a problem with the packet comparison; but that's
>>>>> a separate issue I'll look at.
>>>> There is an obvious mistake we have made in proxy, the macro 
>>>> 'IPS_UNTRACKED_BIT' in colo-patch-for-kernel.patch should be 14,
>>>> so please fix it before do the follow test. Sorry for this low-grade 
>>>> mistake, we should do full test before issue it. ;)
>>> No, that's OK; we all make them.
>>> However, that didn't cure my problem; but after a bit of experimentation I 
>>> now have
>>> COLO working pretty well; thanks for the help!
>>>    1) I had to disable IPv6 in the guest; it doesn't look like the
>>>    conntrack is coping with IPv6 ICMPV6, and on our test network
>>>    we're getting a few 10s of those each second, so it's constant
>>>    miscompares (they seem to be neighbour broadcasts and multicast
>>>    stuff).
>>>    2) It looks like virtio-net is sending ARPs - possibly every time
>>>    that a snapshot is loaded;  it's not the 'qemu' announce-self code,
>>>    (I added some debug there and it's not being called); and ARPs
>>>    cause a miscompare - so you get a continuous streem of miscompares
>>>    because a miscompare triggers a new snapshot, that sends more ARPs.
>>>    I solved this by switching to e1000.
>>>    3) The other problem with virtio is it's occasionally triggering a
>>>    'virtio: error trying to map MMIO memory' from qemu;  I'm not sure
>>>    why, the state COLO sends over should always be consistent.
>> I don't meet this problem. Can you provide your command line?
>> Primary or secondary qemu reports this error message?
> It's the secondary;
> ./try/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -nographic \
>      -boot c -m 2048 -smp 2 -S \
>      -netdev tap,id=hn0,script=$PWD/ifup-slave,\
> downscript=no,colo_script=$PWD/colo-proxy/colo-proxy-script.sh,colo_nicname=em4
>  \
>      -device virtio-net-pci,mac=52:54:64:61:05:31,id=net-pci0,netdev=hn0 \
>      -drive 
> driver=blkcolo,export=colo1,backing.file.filename=./Fedora-x86_64-20-20140407-sda.raw,backing.driver=raw,if=virtio\
>      -incoming tcp:0:8888
>>>    4) With the e1000 setup; connections are generally fairly responsive,
>>>    but sshing into the guest takes *ages* (10s of seconds).  I'm not sure
>>>    why, because a curl to a web server seems OK (less than a second)
>>>    and once the ssh is open it's pretty responsive.
>>>    5) I've seen one instance of; 
>>>       'qemu-system-x86_64: block/raw-posix.c:836: handle_aiocb_rw: 
>>> Assertion `p - buf == aiocb->aio_nbytes' failed.'
>>>       on the primary side.
>> It is a known bug in quorum. You can try this patch:
>> http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2015-01/msg04507.html
> OK, I'll try it; although I've only hit that bug once.
You can also use qcow2 to avoid this problem.

Wen Congyang

>> Thanks
>> Wen Congyang
> Thanks for the reply,
> Dave
>>> Stats for a mostly idle guest are now showing:
>>> colo checkpoint (ms): Min/Max: 0, 10004 Mean: 1592.1 (Weighted: 1806.214) 
>>> Count: 227 Values: 1650@1425666160229, 1661@1425666161998, 
>>> 1662@1425666163736, 1687@1425666165524, 811@1425666166438, 
>>> 788@1425666167298, 1619@1425666168992, 1699@1425666170793, 
>>> 2711@1425666173602, 1633@1425666175315
>>> colo paused time (ms): Min/Max: 58, 2975 Mean: 90.3 (Weighted: 94.109752) 
>>> Count: 227 Values: 107@1425666160337, 75@1425666162074, 100@1425666163837, 
>>> 102@1425666165627, 71@1425666166510, 74@1425666167373, 101@1425666169094, 
>>> 97@1425666170891, 79@1425666173682, 97@1425666175413
>>> colo checkpoint size: Min/Max: 212252, 1.9241972e+08 Mean: 5569622.6 
>>> (Weighted: 4826386.5) Count: 227 Values: 5998892@1425666160230, 
>>> 4660988@1425666161999, 6002996@1425666163737, 5945540@1425666165525, 
>>> 4833356@1425666166439, 5510606@1425666167299, 5793692@1425666168993, 
>>> 5584388@1425666170794, 7016684@1425666173603, 4349084@1425666175316
>>> So, one checkpoint every ~1.5 seconds; that's just with an
>>> ssh connected and a script doing a 'curl' to it's http
>>> repeatedly.   Running 'top' on the ssh with a fast refresh
>>> brings the checkpoints much faster; I guess that's because
>>> the output of top is quite random.
>>>> To be honest, the proxy part in github is not integrated, we have cut it 
>>>> just for easy review and understand, so there may be some mistakes.
>>> Yes, that's OK; and I've had a few kernel crashes; normally 
>>> when the qemu crashes, the kernel doesn't really like it;
>>> but that's OK, I'm sure it will get better.
>>> I added the following to make my debug easier; which is how
>>> I found the IPv6 problem.
>>> diff --git a/xt_PMYCOLO.c b/xt_PMYCOLO.c
>>> index 9e50b62..13c0b48 100644
>>> --- a/xt_PMYCOLO.c
>>> +++ b/xt_PMYCOLO.c
>>> @@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ resolve_master_ct(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int 
>>> dataoff,
>>>         h = nf_conntrack_find_get(&init_net, NF_CT_DEFAULT_ZONE, &tuple);
>>>         if (h == NULL) {
>>> -               pr_dbg("can't find master's ct for slaver packet\n");
>>> +               pr_dbg("can't find master's ct for slaver packet 
>>> (pf/l3num=%d protonum=%d)\n", l3num, protonum);
>>>                 return NULL;
>>>         }
>>> @@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ nf_conntrack_slaver_in(u_int8_t pf, unsigned int 
>>> hooknum,
>>>         /* rcu_read_lock()ed by nf_hook_slow */
>>>         l3proto = __nf_ct_l3proto_find(pf);
>>>         if (l3proto->get_l4proto(skb, skb_network_offset(skb), &dataoff, 
>>> &protonum) <= 0) {
>>> -               pr_dbg("slaver: l3proto not prepared to track yet or error 
>>> occurred\n");
>>> +               pr_dbg("slaver: l3proto not prepared to track yet or error 
>>> occurred (pf=%d)\n", pf);
>>>                 NF_CT_STAT_INC_ATOMIC(&init_net, error);
>>>                 NF_CT_STAT_INC_ATOMIC(&init_net, invalid);
>>>                 goto out;
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> zhanghailiang
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> Dr. David Alan Gilbert (1):
>>>>>   COLO: Add primary side rolling statistics
>>>>>  hmp.c                         | 12 ++++++++++++
>>>>>  include/migration/migration.h |  3 +++
>>>>>  migration/colo.c              | 15 +++++++++++++++
>>>>>  migration/migration.c         | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>  qapi-schema.json              | 11 ++++++++++-
>>>>>  5 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> --
>>> Dr. David Alan Gilbert / dgilb...@redhat.com / Manchester, UK
>>> .
> --
> Dr. David Alan Gilbert / dgilb...@redhat.com / Manchester, UK
> .

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