Hi all, I met the following issue in my expeirment of vm live storage migration.
I install the libvirt-bin and qemu in the ubuntu system. I directly install them through the following commands. sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin, kvm.... After this isntallation, everything works well. Now, when I replace the binary qemu_system_x86-64 with the my custom binary, since I add some print info in the new binary. The libvirt reported that "error: unsupported configuration: this qemu binary lacks hda support" I do not know the reason and how to fix it. Also, I need to modify both qemu and libvirt code. I plan to modify the source of both qemu and libvirt, later replace the original bulids with my new builds. Is this the right way to develop new feature? If not, can you give me some guidance? Thanks a lot for taking time to read this email. I appreciate it! Yaodong