On Sat, 24 Jan 2015, manish tiwari wrote:

> I am new to QEMU and trying to attach gdb with qemu on powepc host.
> I have tried below options
> qemu-system-ppc -enable-kvm -nographic -m 512 -M ppce500 -cpu e500mc -gdb
> tcp::1234 -s -S -kernel uImage -initrd rootfs.ext2.gz -append
> "root=/dev/ram rw console=ttyS0,115200" -serial tcp::4444,server,
> With the above command I have attached gdb with qemu.
> Now I am not sure what needs to be done on host side(I have cross compiled
> GDB in the Host file system).
> Please help me what i need to do in host side ?

 So far you only enabled QEMU's RSP stub so that you can attach with GDB 
later on (RSP stands for GDB's Remote Serial Protocol).  So to attach from 
GDB you now need to issue a command like:

(gdb) target remote system_running_qemu:1234

from the machine you have GDB on.  Substitute `system_running_qemu' above 
with the name of the machine you have started QEMU on; if it is the same 
machine as one that runs GDB, then you can omit this part altogether.

 For the record, this is a QEMU developers' list, such questions are best 
directed to a place dedicated to QEMU users.  I am sure your favourite 
Internet search engine will be able to locate such a place for you.  
Please post your any further questions there rather than here.  Thank you.


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