Hi, > > +static GLchar texture_blit_vert_src[] = > > + "\n" > > + "#version 300 es\n" > > + "\n" > > + "in vec2 in_position;\n" > > + "in vec2 in_tex_coord;\n" > > You could calculate the texture coordinate from the position in the > shader, but this is mostly my premature optimization instinct kicking in > instead of a real performance difference considering how few vertices > there are in this case.
Still makes sense. Done. > > + "out vec2 ex_tex_coord;\n" > > + "\n" > > + "void main(void) {\n" > > + " gl_Position = vec4(in_position.x, in_position.y, 0.0, 1.0);\n" > > vec4(in_position, 0.0, 1.0) *cough* Done. > This looks like a list for GL_TRIANGLES instead of GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. > For GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, you first define one whole triangle (by > specifying each of the three vertices) and after that, each vertex > results in a new triangle drawn (whose two other vertices are the two > vertices preceding the last one). Thanks for the nice description. So the trick to get it done with only four vertexes is to put the correct points (which are going to be shared by both triangles) into the middle. I've played around with it a bit without success (and before my new opengl book arrived), and this 6-point version worked ... > > + glUseProgram(gls->texture_blit_prog); > > + l_position = glGetAttribLocation(gls->texture_blit_prog, > > "in_position"); > > + l_tex_coord = glGetAttribLocation(gls->texture_blit_prog, > > "in_tex_coord"); > > + glVertexAttribPointer(l_position, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, > > in_position); > > + glVertexAttribPointer(l_tex_coord, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, > > in_tex_coord); > > I think it is disallowed to refer to non-OpenGL buffers here in the core > profile. The 4.4 core specification states (section 10.3, vertex > arrays): "Vertex data are placed into arrays that are stored in the > server’s address space"; the 4.4 compatibility specification states: > "Vertex data may also be placed into arrays that are stored in the > client’s address space (described here) or in the server’s address space". Got this from gles sample code, so that should be ok ;) I've also seen code explicitly storing vertex data in a buffer, which I assume is more efficient, but I decided to not care for now, especially given the small number of vertexes we are processing here. > > + return gl_create_link_program(vert_shader, frag_shader); > > Minor thing: You are free to delete the shaders after they have been > linked into the program (because the references will be lost when this > function returns). Done. > > + switch (surface->format) { > > + case PIXMAN_BE_b8g8r8x8: > > + case PIXMAN_BE_b8g8r8a8: > > + surface->glformat = GL_BGRA_EXT; > > If you want to avoid the _EXT, you could use GL_RGBA here and > texture().bgra in the fragment shader. However, this would require a > different shader for the 32 bit and the 16 bit formats (because the 16 > bit format has the right order, apparently). At least it worked in testing. > I haven't been able to really test 16 bit mode (forcing 16 bit mode in > hw/display/vga.c doesn't count...), so I'm trusting you this works. -kernel /boot/vmlinux-$whatever -append vga=0x314 Makes the kernel run vesafb with 800x600 @ 16bpp, and thanks to the little friendly penguin in the upper left corner (CONFIG_LOGO=y) you can easily spot colors being messed up. > > + glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH_EXT, > > + surface_stride(surface) / > > surface_bytes_per_pixel(surface)); > > Maybe we should assert that surface_stride(surface) % > surface_bytes_per_pixel(surface) == 0 here. Done. thanks, Gerd