On 09.01.2015 00:24, John Snow wrote:

On 12/11/2014 09:17 AM, Vladimir Sementsov-Ogievskiy wrote:
Instead of locking iothread, we can just swap these calls. So, if some
write to our range occures before resetting the bitmap, then it will
get into subsequent aio read, becouse it occures, in any case, after
resetting the bitmap.


(I hope you are not annoyed by the spelling corrections: They are in good faith and personally I would hope people would correct any of my spelling mistakes before it goes in the git log!)

Signed-off-by: Vladimir Sementsov-Ogievskiy <vsement...@parallels.com>
  block-migration.c | 6 ++----
  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/block-migration.c b/block-migration.c
index d0c825f..908a66d 100644
--- a/block-migration.c
+++ b/block-migration.c
@@ -315,13 +315,11 @@ static int mig_save_device_bulk(QEMUFile *f, BlkMigDevState *bmds)

-    qemu_mutex_lock_iothread();
+ bdrv_reset_dirty_bitmap(bs, bmds->dirty_bitmap, cur_sector, nr_sectors);
      blk->aiocb = bdrv_aio_readv(bs, cur_sector, &blk->qiov,
                                  nr_sectors, blk_mig_read_cb, blk);

- bdrv_reset_dirty_bitmap(bs, bmds->dirty_bitmap, cur_sector, nr_sectors);
-    qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread();
      bmds->cur_sector = cur_sector + nr_sectors;
      return (bmds->cur_sector >= total_sectors);

OK, so the justification here is that by ordering it as "reset, read" that any writes that occur after the reset will be simply included in the read, and we won't have reset any bits that we didn't actually get a chance to read.


But what about losing the ability to clear bits that are set needlessly?


Sector 1 is dirty. Sector 2 is clean.
We reset the bitmap. All sectors are clean.
A write occurs to sector 2, marking it dirty.
We read sectors one and two.
Sector two is now erroneously marked dirty, when it isn't.

It's not a data integrity problem, but we're swapping one inefficiency for another.

Do you have a justification for why this is better than the lock?

I think without lock is always better. Lock-less operations are usually better, aren't they? So, I didn't think about such kind of efficiency, but only about that this lock is needless. If we don't swap these reset and read, lock is necessary of course.

Furthermore, If we have a lock, this write (to sector 2) will happen after unlock, and the sector will be dirty anyway. So, this efficiency is the same, but we can remove lock.

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