
> > +# opengl probe, used by milkymist-tmu2
> Maybe remove this part of the comment about milkymist?

Will do.

> > +if test "$opengl" != "no" ; then
> > +  opengl_pkgs="gl"
> > +  if $pkg_config $opengl_pkgs; then
> > +    opengl_libs="$($pkg_config --libs $opengl_pkgs) -lX11"
> > +    opengl=yes
> `pkg-config gl` might be successful even without X11 available. In this 
> case, $opengl will be set to 'yes', but linking will probably fail.


> Maybe we should keep GLX separated from OpenGL; for SDL we don't need 
> X11, but for milkymist-tmu2 we apparently do.

That should be only temporary.  There will be infrastructure for device
emulations to ask the UI for a opengl context.  Once this is in place we
should be able to switch over milkymist-tmu2 to that so it doesn't has
to initialize opengl on its own.


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