On 14/01/2015 11:20, Kevin Wolf wrote:
>> > The same problem applies to coroutine stacks, and those cannot be
>> > throttled down as easily.  But I guess if you limit the number of
>> > threads, the guest gets slowed down and doesn't create as many coroutines.
> Shouldn't we rather try and decrease the stack sizes a bit? 1 MB per
> coroutine is really a lot, and as I understand it, threads take even
> more by default.

Yup, 2 MB.  Last time I proposed this, I think Markus was strongly in 
the "better safe than sorry" camp. :)

But thread pool workers definitely don't need a big stack.

>> > It would be nice to have a way to measure coroutine stack usage, similar
>> > to what the kernel does.
> The information which pages are mapped should be there somewhere...

Yes, there is mincore(2).  The complicated part is doing it fast, but
perhaps it doesn't need to be fast.

I tried gathering warning from GCC's -Wstack-usage=1023 option and the
block layer does not seem to have functions with huge stacks in the I/O

So, assuming a maximum stack depth of 50 (already pretty generous since
there shouldn't be any recursive calls) a 100K stack should be pretty
much okay for coroutines and thread-pool threads.

That said there are some offenders in the device models.  Other
QemuThreads, especially VCPU threads, had better stay with a big stack.


block/linux-aio.c                      ioq_submit                         stack 
usage is 1104 bytes
block/mirror.c                         mirror_run                         stack 
usage is 1280 bytes
block/qapi.c                           bdrv_query_image_info              stack 
usage is 1152 bytes
block/vmdk.c                           vmdk_open_vmdk4                    stack 
usage is 1840 bytes
block/vpc.c                            vpc_create                         stack 
usage is 1152 bytes
cpus.c                                 qmp_memsave                        stack 
usage is 1120 bytes
cpus.c                                 qmp_pmemsave                       stack 
usage is 1120 bytes
disas/sparc.c                          build_hash_table                   stack 
usage is 1072 bytes
fsdev/virtfs-proxy-helper.c            main                               stack 
usage is 1264 bytes
hw/arm/highbank.c                      calxeda_init                       stack 
usage is 1200 bytes
hw/arm/stellaris.c                     stellaris_init                     stack 
usage is 1120 bytes
hw/arm/virt.c                          machvirt_init                      stack 
usage is 1264 bytes
hw/block/dataplane/virtio-blk.c        handle_notify                      stack 
usage is 1632 bytes
hw/block/virtio-blk.c                  virtio_blk_dma_restart_bh          stack 
usage is 1600 bytes
hw/block/virtio-blk.c                  virtio_blk_handle_output           stack 
usage is 1584 bytes
hw/core/qdev.c                         qdev_get_legacy_property           stack 
usage is 1104 bytes
hw/net/vmxnet_tx_pkt.c                 vmxnet_tx_pkt_do_sw_fragmentation  stack 
usage is 1168 bytes
hw/ppc/e500.c                          ppce500_load_device_tree           stack 
usage is 1072 bytes
hw/scsi/megasas.c                      megasas_dcmd_ld_get_list           stack 
usage is 1152 bytes
hw/tpm/tpm_passthrough.c               tpm_passthrough_test_tpmdev        stack 
usage is 1216 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1664 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1696 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1728 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1744 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1760 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1776 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1856 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1872 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1888 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1952 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 1984 bytes
linux-user/main.c                      main                               stack 
usage is 2032 bytes
migration/vmstate.c                    get_unused_buffer                  stack 
usage is 1088 bytes
monitor.c                              monitor_parse_command              stack 
usage is 1424 bytes
monitor.c                              parse_cmdline                      stack 
usage is 1136 bytes
qemu-img.c                             img_rebase                         stack 
usage is 1248 bytes
qobject/json-parser.c                  parse_error                        stack 
usage is 1280 bytes
qobject/qjson.c                        to_json                            stack 
usage is 1136 bytes
qtest.c                                qtest_send                         stack 
usage is 1280 bytes
savevm.c                               do_savevm                          stack 
usage is 1424 bytes
slirp/slirp.c                          if_encap                           stack 
usage is 1680 bytes
target-i386/kvm.c                      kvm_get_apic                       stack 
usage is 1072 bytes
target-i386/kvm.c                      kvm_put_apic                       stack 
usage is 1072 bytes
target-xtensa/xtensa-semi.c            helper_simcall                     stack 
usage is 1296 bytes
trace/control.c                        trace_init_events                  stack 
usage is 1152 bytes
ui/keymaps.c                           parse_keyboard_layout              stack 
usage is 1152 bytes
ui/vnc.c                               addr_to_string                     stack 
usage is 1136 bytes
ui/vnc.c                               protocol_client_init               stack 
usage is 1072 bytes
ui/vnc.c                               qmp_query_vnc                      stack 
usage is 1344 bytes
ui/vnc.c                               vnc_basic_info_get                 stack 
usage is 1136 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-tight.c                     tight_detect_smooth_image16        stack 
usage is 1184 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-tight.c                     tight_detect_smooth_image24        stack 
usage is 1152 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-tight.c                     tight_detect_smooth_image32        stack 
usage is 1184 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile15be               stack 
usage is 1264 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile15le               stack 
usage is 1264 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile16be               stack 
usage is 1264 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile16le               stack 
usage is 1264 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile24abe              stack 
usage is 1200 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile24ale              stack 
usage is 1200 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile24bbe              stack 
usage is 1200 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile24ble              stack 
usage is 1200 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile32be               stack 
usage is 1184 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile32le               stack 
usage is 1184 bytes
ui/vnc-enc-zrle-template.c             zrle_encode_tile8ne                stack 
usage is 1184 bytes
util/qemu-option.c                     opts_do_parse                      stack 
usage is 1280 bytes
util/qemu-option.c                     opts_parse                         stack 
usage is 1104 bytes

block.c                                bdrv_swap                          stack 
usage is 3920 bytes
coroutine-ucontext.c                   qemu_coroutine_new                 stack 
usage is 2192 bytes
hw/arm/musicpal.c                      eth_send                           stack 
usage is 2160 bytes
hw/dma/etraxfs_dma.c                   channel_out_run                    stack 
usage is 2160 bytes
hw/net/cadence_gem.c                   gem_receive                        stack 
usage is 2192 bytes
hw/net/cadence_gem.c                   gem_transmit                       stack 
usage is 2176 bytes
hw/net/eepro100.c                      tx_command                         stack 
usage is 2736 bytes
hw/net/mcf_fec.c                       mcf_fec_do_tx                      stack 
usage is 2144 bytes
hw/ppc/spapr_pci.c                     spapr_populate_pci_dt              stack 
usage is 4032 bytes
hw/scsi/megasas.c                      megasas_ctrl_get_info              stack 
usage is 2176 bytes
libcacard/vcard_emul_nss.c             vcard_emul_rsa_op                  stack 
usage is 2224 bytes
monitor.c                              file_completion                    stack 
usage is 3328 bytes
monitor.c                              host_net_remove_completion         stack 
usage is 2176 bytes
monitor.c                              netdev_del_completion              stack 
usage is 2112 bytes
monitor.c                              set_link_completion                stack 
usage is 2112 bytes
qemu-char.c                            tcp_chr_connect                    stack 
usage is 2608 bytes
qemu-nbd.c                             main                               stack 
usage is 2336 bytes
slirp/misc.c                           fork_exec                          stack 
usage is 2176 bytes
slirp/socket.c                         sosendoob                          stack 
usage is 2144 bytes
target-arm/helper.c                    register_cp_regs_for_features      stack 
usage is 3232 bytes
target-arm/helper.c                    register_cp_regs_for_features      stack 
usage is 3360 bytes
target-i386/kvm.c                      kvm_get_msrs                       stack 
usage is 2448 bytes
target-i386/kvm.c                      kvm_put_msrs                       stack 
usage is 2448 bytes
ui/sdl.c                               sdl_update_caption                 stack 
usage is 2112 bytes
util/qemu-config.c                     qemu_config_parse                  stack 
usage is 2416 bytes

block.c                                bdrv_commit                        stack 
usage is 4208 bytes
block/raw-posix.c                      hdev_open                          stack 
usage is 4320 bytes
block/vmdk.c                           vmdk_parse_extents                 stack 
usage is 4848 bytes
block/vvfat.c                          check_directory_consistency        stack 
usage is 5152 bytes
gdbstub.c                              gdb_monitor_output                 stack 
usage is 4144 bytes
hw/arm/boot.c                          set_kernel_args                    stack 
usage is 4176 bytes
hw/audio/ac97.c                        read_audio                         stack 
usage is 4208 bytes
hw/audio/ac97.c                        write_audio                        stack 
usage is 4208 bytes
hw/audio/es1370.c                      es1370_transfer_audio              stack 
usage is 4240 bytes
hw/audio/gus.c                         GUS_read_DMA                       stack 
usage is 4192 bytes
hw/audio/marvell_88w8618.c             mv88w8618_audio_callback           stack 
usage is 4160 bytes
hw/audio/milkymist-ac97.c              ac97_in_cb                         stack 
usage is 4176 bytes
hw/audio/milkymist-ac97.c              ac97_out_cb                        stack 
usage is 4176 bytes
hw/audio/sb16.c                        write_audio                        stack 
usage is 4192 bytes
hw/char/sclpconsole-lm.c               process_mdb                        stack 
usage is 4144 bytes
hw/s390x/sclp.c                        sclp_service_call                  stack 
usage is 4336 bytes
hw/scsi/lsi53c895a.c                   lsi_memcpy                         stack 
usage is 4192 bytes
hw/scsi/megasas.c                      megasas_dcmd_cfg_read              stack 
usage is 4224 bytes
hw/scsi/megasas.c                      megasas_dcmd_pd_get_list           stack 
usage is 5808 bytes
hw/tpm/tpm_passthrough.c               tpm_passthrough_open_sysfs_cancel  stack 
usage is 4144 bytes
linux-user/elfload.c                   vma_dump_size                      stack 
usage is 4128 bytes
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_openat                          stack 
usage is 4176 bytes
net/tap.c                              net_bridge_run_helper              stack 
usage is 4720 bytes
qemu-bridge-helper.c                   parse_acl_file                     stack 
usage is 4176 bytes
qemu-char.c                            fd_chr_read                        stack 
usage is 4160 bytes
qemu-char.c                            pty_chr_read                       stack 
usage is 4160 bytes
qemu-char.c                            qemu_chr_fe_printf                 stack 
usage is 4352 bytes
qemu-char.c                            qemu_chr_open_pty                  stack 
usage is 4176 bytes
qemu-char.c                            tcp_chr_read                       stack 
usage is 4192 bytes
qga/commands-posix.c                   get_pci_driver                     stack 
usage is 4144 bytes
qga/main.c                             channel_event_cb                   stack 
usage is 4160 bytes
target-i386/kvm.c                      kvm_arch_init_vcpu                 stack 
usage is 4144 bytes
target-s390x/ioinst.c                  ioinst_handle_chsc_scsc            stack 
usage is 4112 bytes
target-s390x/misc_helper.c             helper_stsi                        stack 
usage is 4128 bytes
ui/vnc-auth-sasl.c                     vnc_client_read_sasl               stack 
usage is 4160 bytes
util/oslib-posix.c                     qemu_init_exec_dir                 stack 
usage is 4144 bytes
util/path.c                            init_paths                         stack 
usage is 4144 bytes

block/vmdk.c                           vmdk_parent_open                   stack 
usage is 10288 bytes
block/vmdk.c                           vmdk_read_cid                      stack 
usage is 10304 bytes
gdbstub.c                              gdb_handle_packet                  stack 
usage is 8336 bytes
hw/acpi/core.c                         acpi_table_add                     stack 
usage is 8336 bytes
hw/audio/cs4231a.c                     cs_write_audio                     stack 
usage is 12384 bytes
hw/core/qdev-properties-system.c       set_netdev                         stack 
usage is 8288 bytes
hw/i386/kvm/pci-assign.c               assign_failed_examine              stack 
usage is 12480 bytes
hw/i386/pc.c                           load_linux                         stack 
usage is 8336 bytes
hw/net/rtl8139.c                       rtl8139_transmit_one               stack 
usage is 8256 bytes
hw/net/xgmac.c                         xgmac_enet_send                    stack 
usage is 8288 bytes
hw/s390x/s390-pci-inst.c               clp_service_call                   stack 
usage is 8384 bytes
hw/sparc64/sun4u.c                     sun4u_NVRAM_set_params             stack 
usage is 8272 bytes
hw/sparc/sun4m.c                       nvram_init                         stack 
usage is 8272 bytes
hw/vfio/pci.c                          vfio_initfn                        stack 
usage is 8592 bytes
linux-user/elfload.c                   elf_core_dump                      stack 
usage is 12640 bytes
linux-user/elfload.c                   elf_core_dump                      stack 
usage is 8544 bytes
linux-user/elfload.c                   vma_dump_size                      stack 
usage is 8224 bytes
net/net.c                              qemu_del_net_client                stack 
usage is 8256 bytes
net/net.c                              qmp_set_link                       stack 
usage is 8256 bytes

block/vmdk.c                           vmdk_create                        stack 
usage is 29376 bytes
block/vmdk.c                           vmdk_write_cid                     stack 
usage is 20544 bytes
hw/arm/nseries.c                       n8x0_init                          stack 
usage is 65728 bytes
hw/char/virtio-serial-bus.c            control_out                        stack 
usage is 49312 bytes
hw/char/virtio-serial-bus.c            discard_vq_data                    stack 
usage is 49216 bytes
hw/char/virtio-serial-bus.c            send_control_msg                   stack 
usage is 49232 bytes
hw/char/virtio-serial-bus.c            write_to_port                      stack 
usage is 49264 bytes
hw/display/vmware_vga.c                vmsvga_fifo_run                    stack 
usage is 20688 bytes
hw/dma/xilinx_axidma.c                 stream_process_mem2s               stack 
usage is 16480 bytes
hw/net/opencores_eth.c                 open_eth_start_xmit                stack 
usage is 65600 bytes
hw/net/virtio-net.c                    virtio_net_flush_tx                stack 
usage is 65664 bytes
hw/net/virtio-net.c                    virtio_net_handle_ctrl             stack 
usage is 49424 bytes
hw/net/virtio-net.c                    virtio_net_handle_ctrl             stack 
usage is 49440 bytes
hw/net/virtio-net.c                    virtio_net_receive                 stack 
usage is 65728 bytes
hw/virtio/virtio-balloon.c             virtio_balloon_handle_output       stack 
usage is 49376 bytes
hw/virtio/virtio-rng.c                 chr_read                           stack 
usage is 49264 bytes
net/net.c                              nc_sendv_compat                    stack 
usage is 69680 bytes
net/socket.c                           net_socket_send                    stack 
usage is 69712 bytes
net/tap.c                              net_init_tap                       stack 
usage is 16704 bytes
ui/vnc-jobs.c                          vnc_worker_thread_loop             stack 
usage is 75632 bytes

"might be unbounded":
backends/baum.c                        baum_write_packet                  stack 
usage might be unbounded
backends/baum.c                        baum_write                         stack 
usage might be unbounded
backends/rng-random.c                  entropy_available                  stack 
usage might be unbounded
block/qapi.c                           dump_qobject                       stack 
usage might be unbounded
block/vpc.c                            vpc_co_write                       stack 
usage might be unbounded
exec.c                                 mem_commit                         stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/block/nvme.c                        nvme_map_prp                       stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/bt/l2cap.c                          l2cap_cframe_in                    stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/i386/multiboot.c                    load_multiboot                     stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/intc/xics.c                         ics_reset                          stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/net/fsl_etsec/rings.c               etsec_walk_rx_ring                 stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/net/spapr_llan.c                    h_send_logical_lan                 stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/ppc/spapr.c                         spapr_fixup_cpu_dt                 stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/ppc/spapr_pci.c                     spapr_phb_realize                  stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/ssi/xilinx_spips.c                  xilinx_spips_flush_txfifo          stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/usb/dev-hid.c                       usb_hid_handle_data                stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/usb/dev-mtp.c                       usb_mtp_add_str                    stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/usb/dev-mtp.c                       usb_mtp_handle_data                stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/usb/dev-wacom.c                     usb_wacom_handle_data              stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/usb/hcd-xhci.c                      xhci_process_commands              stack 
usage might be unbounded
hw/usb/redirect.c                      usbredir_handle_data               stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/elfload.c                   load_elf_image                     stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/elfload.c                   load_symbols                       stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_accept4                         stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_bind                            stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_connect                         stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_getpeername                     stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_getsockname                     stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_recvfrom                        stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_sendrecvmsg_locked              stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_sendto                          stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_setsockopt                      stack 
usage might be unbounded
linux-user/syscall.c                   do_syscall                         stack 
usage might be unbounded
net/tap.c                              tap_receive_iov                    stack 
usage might be unbounded
qemu-char.c                            tcp_chr_write                      stack 
usage might be unbounded
target-arm/helper.c                    helper_dc_zva                      stack 
usage might be unbounded
ui/vnc-enc-hextile-template.h          send_hextile_tile_32               stack 
usage might be unbounded
ui/vnc-enc-hextile-template.h          send_hextile_tile_generic_32       stack 
usage might be unbounded
ui/vnc-enc-tight.c                     send_palette_rect                  stack 
usage might be unbounded
util/iov.c                             qemu_iovec_clone                   stack 
usage might be unbounded

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