On 14 January 2015 at 00:12, Programmingkid <programmingk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This patch allows for all the keys on an Apple extended keyboard to work in 
> Signed-off-by: John Arbuckle <programmingk...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  ui/cocoa.m |   29 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
>  1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/ui/cocoa.m b/ui/cocoa.m
> index c8535a3..afac987 100644
> --- a/ui/cocoa.m
> +++ b/ui/cocoa.m
> @@ -128,18 +128,26 @@ int keymap[] =
>      14, //  51      0x33    0x0e            BKSP    QZ_BACKSPACE
>      0,  //  52      0x34    Undefined
>      1,  //  53      0x35    0x01            ESC     QZ_ESCAPE
> -    220, // 54      0x36    0xdc    E0,5C   R GUI   QZ_RMETA
> -    219, // 55      0x37    0xdb    E0,5B   L GUI   QZ_LMETA
> +    219,//  54      0x36                            QZ_RMETA
> +    219,//  55      0x37                            QZ_LMETA

This looks wrong: we shouldn't be mapping right meta and
left meta to the same thing, they're different keys.

>      42, //  56      0x38    0x2a            L SHFT  QZ_LSHIFT
>      58, //  57      0x39    0x3a            CAPS    QZ_CAPSLOCK
>      56, //  58      0x3A    0x38            L ALT   QZ_LALT
>      29, //  59      0x3B    0x1d            L CTRL  QZ_LCTRL
> -    54, //  60      0x3C    0x36            R SHFT  QZ_RSHIFT
> -    184,//  61      0x3D    0xb8    E0,38   R ALT   QZ_RALT
> -    157,//  62      0x3E    0x9d    E0,1D   R CTRL  QZ_RCTRL
> +
> +    /*
> +     Map right shift, control, option, and command keys to left counterpart
> +     to improve compatibility with Mac OS.
> +    */
> +
> +    42, //  60      0x3C    0x36            R SHFT  QZ_RSHIFT
> +    56, //  61      0x3D    0xb8    E0,38   R ALT   QZ_RALT
> +    29, //  62      0x3E    0x9d    E0,1D   R CTRL  QZ_RCTRL

Compatibility with Mac OS as a host or as a guest?
These are different keys, and if we do this then
we won't be able to work correctly with guests that
really do treat them as different.

> +
> +
>      0,  //  63      0x3F    Undefined
>      0,  //  64      0x40    Undefined
> -    0,  //  65      0x41    Undefined
> +    0x53,// 65      0x41                                 Keypad .

Can we be consistent with the other entries, please? SDLi entry
in decimal, and appropriate items in the other columns including
whatever the QZ_ constant is if we can find it.

>      0,  //  66      0x42    Undefined
>      55, //  67      0x43    0x37            KP *    QZ_KP_MULTIPLY
>      0,  //  68      0x44    Undefined
> @@ -150,12 +158,12 @@ int keymap[] =
>      0,  //  73      0x49    Undefined
>      0,  //  74      0x4A    Undefined
>      181,//  75      0x4B    0xb5    E0,35   KP /    QZ_KP_DIVIDE
> -    152,//  76      0x4C    0x9c    E0,1C   KP EN   QZ_KP_ENTER
> +    0xe01c, //152,//  76      0x4C    0x9c    E0,1C   KP EN   QZ_KP_ENTER

Only entry in the entire table that's not a one-byte value?

>      0,  //  77      0x4D    undefined
>      74, //  78      0x4E    0x4a            KP -    QZ_KP_MINUS
>      0,  //  79      0x4F    Undefined
>      0,  //  80      0x50    Undefined
> -    0,  //  81      0x51                            QZ_KP_EQUALS
> +    13, //  81      0x51                            QZ_KP_EQUALS

The keypad = key and the normal = key ought to have different
values here. Otherwise the guest can't tell them apart.

>      82, //  82      0x52    0x52            KP 0    QZ_KP0
>      79, //  83      0x53    0x4f            KP 1    QZ_KP1
>      80, //  84      0x54    0x50            KP 2    QZ_KP2
> @@ -201,10 +209,13 @@ int keymap[] =
>      205,//  124     0x7C    0xcd    e0,4D   R ARROW QZ_RIGHT
>      208,//  125     0x7D    0xd0    E0,50   D ARROW QZ_DOWN
>      200,//  126     0x7E    0xc8    E0,48   U ARROW QZ_UP
> +
>  /* completed according to 
> http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/SDL12/src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzKeys.h?rev=1.6&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup
>  */
> -/* Additional 104 Key XP-Keyboard Scancodes from 
> http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/scancodes1.html */
> +/* Aditional 104 Key XP-Keyboard Scancodes from 
> http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/scancodes1.html */

This is reintroducing a typo that was fixed back in 2013
(in commit 49b9bd4dc).

>  /*
> +    219 //          0xdb            e0,5b   L GUI
> +    220 //          0xdc            e0,5c   R GUI
>      221 //          0xdd            e0,5d   APPS
>          //              E0,2A,E0,37         PRNT SCRN
>          //              E1,1D,45,E1,9D,C5   PAUSE

-- PMM

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