This RFC shows the implementation on QEMU side of the device properties 
presented in kernel patch series:
[RFC PATCH v3 0/3] vfio: platform: return device properties for a platform 
from branch vfio-device-properties-v3 on the repository:

When a VFIO device is bound to the VM, properties are queried to the host 
to fill the device tree.

One issue here is wheter a property may change between the host and the guest.
Currently, interrupt numbers and registers change, other information are kept
(including interrupt type and flags).

Regarding the clock, any primecell device requiring a clock is attached to 

DMA pl330 is used as an example. For this reason the last patch 
(3/3, arm,pl330 vfio device property) relies on the following
patch series: [RFC PATCH v2 0/3] VFIO support for AMBA devices.

Baptiste Reynal (4):
  linux-headers update
  hw/vfio/common.c : vfio_get_dev_property
  hw/arm/sysbus-fdt: vfio device property for interrupts
  hw/arm/sysbus-fdt: arm,pl330 vfio device property

 hw/arm/sysbus-fdt.c           | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 hw/vfio/common.c              |  33 +++++++++++
 include/hw/vfio/vfio-common.h |   2 +
 linux-headers/linux/vfio.h    |  25 ++++++++
 4 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)


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