On Tue, Jan 06, 2015 at 09:30:46PM -0000, timsoft wrote:
> I have also run the 64bit version of qemu with the slight modification
> of the batch/cmd line
> cd "c:\program files\qemu"
> qemu-system-x86_64w.exe -m 512 -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap01 -hda 
> "c:\\data\\images\\test.img"
>  and get the same output both for the client(ip addr; ip route; ip
> tables -L -n  )and host (ipconfig /all).

Thanks for the information.

Since it's not clear whether the bridge configuration on the host is the
problem, I suggest removing the bridge:

Statically assign the tap interface on the host a local IP address like

Statically assign inside the guest.

See if guest and host can ping each other successfully.

This will show whether the problem is QEMU's tap networking or whether
the problem is the bridge configuration on the host.


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