Hi All, 

Have you  returned from  vacation?  If so, could you help to review my 
patches I have submitted three weeks ago? Thanks a lot.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Li, Liang Z
> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 9:29 AM
> To: qemu-devel@nongnu.org
> Cc: quint...@redhat.com; lcapitul...@redhat.com; ebl...@redhat.com;
> arm...@redhat.com; Zhang, Yang Z; dgilb...@redhat.com; Li, Liang Z
> Subject: [PATCH v3 0/13] migration: Add a new feature to do live migration
> This feature can help to reduce the data transferred about 60%, and the
> migration time can also be reduced about 70%.
>     Summary of changed from v2->v3
>     -Splited the patch to 13 parts instead of 2
>     -Rewrote the core code to do compression and decompression
>     -Updated the document
>     -Added a common command interface to set and query parameters
>     -Added some comments
> --
> 1.9.1

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