On 14 November 2014 09:34, Tim Sander <t...@krieglstein.org> wrote:

> > > > 0xbfffe000? You where talking about the fact that the security
> > > > extensions
> > > > where not implemented. I was not aware that the different vbar's
> where
> > > > already part of the security stuff?
> > >
> > > MVBAR is part of the Security extensions. HVBAR is part of the
> > > Virtualization extensions. In mainline QEMU we implement neither
> > > of those extensions, and so don't implement the associated
> > > registers. (Strictly speaking, VBAR is also only in the
> > > Security extensions, but we provide it as a workaround for
> > > guests that assume our CPUs should implement it.)
> >
> > Peter beat me to it.  None of the VBAR registers should matter in your
> case
> > which coincides with the use of hivecs.
> While writing this mail i found out that the integrated debugger is causing
> harm in combination with the fiq. So everything below the braces seems to
> be related to the this problem. But i still wanted to keep the data points
> for
> reference:
> {
> Ok, so qemu only implements the SCTLR.V bit to control the memory address
> of
> the interrupt vector. So its either 0 or 0xffff0000. That is fine with me.
> Currently i have the problem that a call to set_fiq_handler does not place
> the
> binary stuff loaded at the address where qemu is jumping to which is
> presumably
> 0xffff1240. I have checked that SCTLR.V =1 under linux which is fine.
> The background info to set_fiq_handler from my understanding is that it
> copies
> the given stuff directly at the address where the FIQ vector is located.
> This
> works as the FIQ is the last entry and thus there is some memory space for
> a
> short interrupt handler. I checked the memory when entering the FIQ with
> the
> integrated gdb:
> (gdb) info reg
> r0             0x0      0
> r1             0x0      0
> r2             0x1      1
> r3             0x76eb34c8       1995125960
> r4             0x76eb34c8       1995125960
> r5             0x76f633b8       1995846584
> r6             0x2a     42
> r7             0x76f4c28c       1995752076
> r8             0xf8200100       -132120320
> r9             0xe0040000       -536608768
> r10            0x60004059       1610629209
> r11            0x0      0
> r12            0x0      0
> sp             0x908be000       0x908be000
> lr             0x76dfc108       1994375432
> pc             0xffff1240       0xffff1240 <firq_fiq_handler>
> cpsr           0x600f01d1       1611596241
> (gdb) x 0xffff1240
> 0xe599b00c
> But my firq_fiq_handler starts with 0xee12af10? I know that this works on
> real
> hardware so i suspect that this an error within qemu? Or at least that
> there
> is something amiss in the way the memory is initialized or handled.
> Is there a way to instrument the memory below the vector table to get debug
> logs if the memory is modified?
> }
> > It may be worthwhile to put a kernel breakpoint in handle_fiq_as_nmi()
> just
> > to see where it goes.  If CONFIG_ARM_GIC is enabled it should take you to
> > your handler I suspect.  Plus, if you get there then we have likely
> proven
> > that QEMU is getting the kernel to the right place.  I set a BP in this
> > routine on my A9 run and appear to be hitting it correctly.
> So you are talking about the linux kernel, right? CONFIG_ARM_GIC=y check
> but
> i can't find handle_fiq_as_nmi? Even a fuzzier "rgrep nmi * |grep fiq"
> does not
> find anything.

Maybe we are working off different versions of the kernel sources.  I'm
using a kernel variant of v3.18-rc1.  I took a look at my 3.15 kernel and
it does not have the routine, so perhaps yours is an earlier version as

I don't spend much time working in or tracking the Linux kernel, so I am
not sure when the difference was introduced.  I just found it to be a
convenient function to set a BP for early FIQ debugging, you may have
something different.

Interestingly, as I researched the Linux FIQ support I found this mail


As I don't have access to your code, I could not verify that the SVC SPSR
was being preserved, but it may be worth you looking into it as I can see
this potentially resulting in all kinds of random behavior.  More
interestingly, this comment and code appears to have been changed in later
versions of the FIQ code, so perhaps this has been fixed or improved (My
3.18 kernel does not have the comment).

> Concerning the fact that qemu is jumping to the right address:
> To i have put a breakpoint to 0xffff001c which is the fiq base vector
> address.
> There is an instruction 0xea000480 which seems to be a pc relative branch
> to
> 0x1224 which then lands at 0xffff1240.
> But the internal debugger gives me some concerns. If i do at the gdb
> command
> line:
> hb *0xffff001c
> hb *0xffff1240
> The debugger only stops at the first breakpoint. If i leave the first
> breakpoint
> away the debugger stops at 0xffff1240. As i know that at 0xffff01c it
> should jump
> right to 0xffff1240 i would expect that both breakpoints are triggered.
> Then if i reach the breakpoint at 0xffff1240 i know i am at the fiq code.
> But
> (gdb) x 0xffff1240 gives the wrong value. Nevertheless i see now (after
> correcting the static map of the GIC) the following debug output of my test
> device when single-stepping from PC=0xffff1240:
> Taking exception 6 [FIQ]
> pml: pml_write: update control flags: 1
> pml: pml_update: stop timer
> pml: pml_update: lower irq
> pml: pml_read: read magic
> pml: pml_write: update control flags: 3
> pml: pml_update: stop timer
> This means that there has been some code executed, most probably my FIQ
> handler, but the debugger showed me:
> Breakpoint 1, firq_fiq_handler () at fiq.S:26
> 26              mrc p15, 0, r10, c2, c0, 0         @ read TTBR0   < ok
> (gdb) s        <- oh my why is it single stepping into the kernel from FIQ?
> test_ti_thread_flag (flag=1, ti=0x8f84e000) at
> include/asm-generic/preempt.h:71
> 71              return !--*preempt_count_ptr() && tif_need_resched();
> (gdb) s      <- next step does not look any better...
> test_bit (addr=0x8f84e000, nr=1) at include/asm-generic/bitops/non-
> atomic.h:105
> 105             return 1UL & (addr[BIT_WORD(nr)] >> (nr &
> (BITS_PER_LONG-1)));
> The second run is even stranger:
> Breakpoint 1, firq_fiq_handler () at fiq.S:26
> 26              mrc p15, 0, r10, c2, c0, 0         @ read TTBR0
> (gdb) s
> Cannot access memory at address 0x4
> (gdb) c
> Continuing.
> Cannot access memory at address 0x4
> ...
> qemu seems completly unusable from here on...
> I am pretty sure now that my FIQ handler is executed.
> I see multiple accesses to my virtual pml test hardware:
> arm_gic: Raised pending FIQ 49 (cpu 0)
> pml: pml_write: update control flags: 1
> pml: pml_update: start timer
> pml: pml_update: lower irq
> pml: pml_read: read magic
> pml: pml_write: update control flags: 3
> pml: pml_update: start timer
> arm_gic: Enabled IRQ 37
> [  OK  ] Found device /dev/ttyAMA0.
> pml: pml_timer_tick: raise_irq
> arm_gic: Raised pending FIQ 49 (cpu 0)
> pml: pml_write: update control flags: 1
> pml: pml_update: start timer
> pml: pml_update: lower irq
> pml: pml_read: read magic
> pml: pml_write: update control flags: 3
> pml: pml_update: start timer
> pml: pml_timer_tick: raise_irq
> Which seems like normal operation. Especially the log
> message shows that other stuff gets executed.
> But after a while the interrupts stop and nothing happens
> The system is not reacting to keypresses anymore. Not even
> Ctrl-A-X. But this seems as if the debug output in the GIC and/or
> my pml test driver locked the qemu up?

Hmmm... almost sounds like we lost an interrupt or ack which could be in
QEMU. Does execution cease if run as A15?

> Also if i connect to the gdb port while the fiq is running the
> qemu stops the execution.
> But besides the problems with the debugger which set me of course
> the qemu seems to happy emulate FIQs, which is really nice :-)
I'm happy to hear that we found a working scenario, but hangs and such
should not happen.  I need to determine a way to  look into this more
myself to see if it is related to grouping or FIQ support.

> Best regards
> Tim

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