On Thursday 13 November 2014 04:02 PM, David Gibson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:28:30AM +0530, Aravinda Prasad wrote:
>> On Thursday 13 November 2014 09:22 AM, David Gibson wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:14:31PM +0530, Aravinda Prasad wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday 11 November 2014 08:46 AM, David Gibson wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 12:43:15PM +0530, Aravinda Prasad wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>>>> +        . = 0x200
>>>>>> +        /*
>>>>>> +         * Trampoline saves r3 in sprg2 and issues private hcall
>>>>>> +         * to request qemu to build error log. QEMU builds the
>>>>>> +         * error log, copies to rtas-blob and returns the address.
>>>>>> +         * The initial 16 bytes in return adress consist of saved
>>>>>> +         * srr0 and srr1 which we restore and pass on the actual error
>>>>>> +         * log address to OS handled mcachine check notification
>>>>>> +         * routine
>>>>>> +         *
>>>>>> +         * All the below instructions are copied to interrupt vector
>>>>>> +         * 0x200 at the time of handling ibm,nmi-register rtas call.
>>>>>> +         */
>>>>>> +        mtsprg  2,3
>>>>>> +        li      3,0
>>>>>> +        /*
>>>>>> +         * ori r3,r3,KVMPPC_H_REPORT_MC_ERR. The KVMPPC_H_REPORT_MC_ERR
>>>>>> +         * value is patched below
>>>>>> +         */
>>>>>> +1:      ori     3,3,0
>>>>>> +        sc      1               /* Issue H_CALL */
>>>>>> +        cmpdi   cr0,3,0
>>>>>> +        beq     cr0,1b          /* retry KVMPPC_H_REPORT_MC_ERR */
>>>>> Having to retry the hcall from here seems very awkward.  This is a
>>>>> private hcall, so you can define it to do whatever retries are
>>>>> necessary internally (and I don't think your current implementation
>>>>> can fail anyway).
>>>> Retrying is required in the cases when multi-processors experience
>>>> machine check at or about the same time. As per PAPR, subsequent
>>>> processors should serialize and wait for the first processor to issue
>>>> the ibm,nmi-interlock call. The second processor retries if the first
>>>> processor which received a machine check is still reading the error log
>>>> and is yet to issue ibm,nmi-interlock call.
>>> Hmm.. ok.  But I don't see any mechanism in the patches by which
>>> H_REPORT_MC_ERR will report failure if another CPU has an MC in
>>> progress.
>> h_report_mc_err returns 0 if another VCPU is processing machine check
>> and in that case we retry. h_report_mc_err returns error log address if
>> no other VCPU is processing machine check.
> Uh.. how?  I'm only seeing one return statement in the implementation
> in 3/4.

This part is in 4/4 which handles ibm,nmi-interlock call in

+    if (mc_in_progress == 1) {
+        return 0;
+    }

>>>> Retrying cannot be done internally in h_report_mc_err hcall: only one
>>>> thread can succeed entering qemu upon parallel hcall and hence retrying
>>>> inside the hcall will not allow the ibm,nmi-interlock from first CPU to
>>>> succeed.
>>> It's possible, but would require some fiddling inside the h_call to
>>> unlock and wait for the other CPUs to finish, so yes, it might be more
>>> trouble than it's worth.
>>>>>> +        mtsprg  2,4
>>>>> Um.. doesn't this clobber the value of r3 you saved in SPRG2 just above.
>>>> The r3 saved in SPRG2 is moved to rtas area in the private hcall and
>>>> hence it is fine to clobber r3 here
>>> Ok, if you're going to do some magic register saving inside the HCALL,
>>> why not do the SRR[01] and CR restoration inside there as well.
>> SRR0/1 is clobbered while returning from HCALL and hence cannot be
>> restored in HCALL. For CR, we need to do the restoration here as we
>> clobber CR after returning from HCALL (the instruction checking the
>> return value of hcall clobbers CR).
> Hrm.  AFAICT SRR0/1 shouldn't be clobbered when returning from an

As hcall is an interrupt, SRR0 is set to nip and SRR1 to msr just before
executing rfid.

> hcall.  You're right about CR though.  Or more precisely, you can't
> both restore CR and use it to return the success state of the hcall.
> Well.. actually, you could use crN to return the hcall success, since
> you're only restoring cr0 anyway (although only restoring cr0 seems
> odd to me in the first place).

Yes it is possible to return the hcall success state through crN and
restore the entire cr register after checking.


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