Restore the order of helpers that used to be: unary operations (generic, 
then MIPS-specific), binary operations (generic, then MIPS-specific), 
compare operations.  At one point FMA operations were inserted at a 
random place in the file, disregarding the preexisting order, and later 
on even more operations sprinkled across the file.  Revert the mess by 
moving FMA operations to a new ternary class inserted after the binary 
class and move the misplaced unary and binary operations to where they 
Signed-off-by: Maciej W. Rozycki <>
 I hope there is no question about this either.  No functional change.  
Please apply.

 NB scripts/ hangs on this patch -- can I help debugging it 


Index: qemu-git-trunk/target-mips/op_helper.c
--- qemu-git-trunk.orig/target-mips/op_helper.c 2014-11-02 19:56:39.758970461 
+++ qemu-git-trunk/target-mips/op_helper.c      2014-11-02 19:56:47.758973431 
@@ -2808,110 +2808,6 @@ FLOAT_UNOP(abs)
 #undef FLOAT_UNOP
-#define FLOAT_FMADDSUB(name, bits, muladd_arg)                          \
-uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,            \
-                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs,        \
-                                          uint ## bits ## _t ft,        \
-                                          uint ## bits ## _t fd)        \
-{                                                                       \
-    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                           \
-                                                                        \
-    fdret = float ## bits ## _muladd(fs, ft, fd, muladd_arg,            \
-                                     &env->active_fpu.fp_status);       \
-    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                         \
-    return fdret;                                                       \
-FLOAT_FMADDSUB(maddf_s, 32, 0)
-FLOAT_FMADDSUB(maddf_d, 64, 0)
-FLOAT_FMADDSUB(msubf_s, 32, float_muladd_negate_product)
-FLOAT_FMADDSUB(msubf_d, 64, float_muladd_negate_product)
-#define FLOAT_MINMAX(name, bits, minmaxfunc)                            \
-uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,            \
-                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs,        \
-                                          uint ## bits ## _t ft)        \
-{                                                                       \
-    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                           \
-                                                                        \
-    fdret = float ## bits ## _ ## minmaxfunc(fs, ft,                    \
-                                           &env->active_fpu.fp_status); \
-    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                         \
-    return fdret;                                                       \
-FLOAT_MINMAX(max_s, 32, maxnum)
-FLOAT_MINMAX(max_d, 64, maxnum)
-FLOAT_MINMAX(maxa_s, 32, maxnummag)
-FLOAT_MINMAX(maxa_d, 64, maxnummag)
-FLOAT_MINMAX(min_s, 32, minnum)
-FLOAT_MINMAX(min_d, 64, minnum)
-FLOAT_MINMAX(mina_s, 32, minnummag)
-FLOAT_MINMAX(mina_d, 64, minnummag)
-#define FLOAT_RINT(name, bits)                                              \
-uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,                \
-                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs)            \
-{                                                                           \
-    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                               \
-                                                                            \
-    fdret = float ## bits ## _round_to_int(fs, &env->active_fpu.fp_status); \
-    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                             \
-    return fdret;                                                           \
-FLOAT_RINT(rint_s, 32)
-FLOAT_RINT(rint_d, 64)
-#undef FLOAT_RINT
-#define FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN      0x001
-#define FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN          0x002
-#define FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_ZERO      0x020
-#define FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_ZERO      0x200
-#define FLOAT_CLASS(name, bits)                                      \
-uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (uint ## bits ## _t arg)    \
-{                                                                    \
-    if (float ## bits ## _is_signaling_nan(arg)) {                   \
-        return FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN;                            \
-    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_quiet_nan(arg)) {                \
-        return FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN;                                \
-    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_neg(arg)) {                      \
-        if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_INFINITY;                    \
-        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero(arg)) {                 \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_ZERO;                        \
-        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero_or_denormal(arg)) {     \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_SUBNORMAL;                   \
-        } else {                                                     \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_NORMAL;                      \
-        }                                                            \
-    } else {                                                         \
-        if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_INFINITY;                    \
-        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero(arg)) {                 \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_ZERO;                        \
-        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero_or_denormal(arg)) {     \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_SUBNORMAL;                   \
-        } else {                                                     \
-            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_NORMAL;                      \
-        }                                                            \
-    }                                                                \
-FLOAT_CLASS(class_s, 32)
-FLOAT_CLASS(class_d, 64)
 /* MIPS specific unary operations */
 uint64_t helper_float_recip_d(CPUMIPSState *env, uint64_t fdt0)
@@ -3013,6 +2909,66 @@ uint64_t helper_float_rsqrt1_ps(CPUMIPSS
     return ((uint64_t)fsth2 << 32) | fst2;
+#define FLOAT_RINT(name, bits)                                              \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,                \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs)            \
+{                                                                           \
+    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                               \
+                                                                            \
+    fdret = float ## bits ## _round_to_int(fs, &env->active_fpu.fp_status); \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                             \
+    return fdret;                                                           \
+FLOAT_RINT(rint_s, 32)
+FLOAT_RINT(rint_d, 64)
+#undef FLOAT_RINT
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN      0x001
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN          0x002
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_ZERO      0x020
+#define FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_ZERO      0x200
+#define FLOAT_CLASS(name, bits)                                      \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (uint ## bits ## _t arg)    \
+{                                                                    \
+    if (float ## bits ## _is_signaling_nan(arg)) {                   \
+        return FLOAT_CLASS_SIGNALING_NAN;                            \
+    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_quiet_nan(arg)) {                \
+        return FLOAT_CLASS_QUIET_NAN;                                \
+    } else if (float ## bits ## _is_neg(arg)) {                      \
+        if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_INFINITY;                    \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero(arg)) {                 \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_ZERO;                        \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero_or_denormal(arg)) {     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_SUBNORMAL;                   \
+        } else {                                                     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_NEGATIVE_NORMAL;                      \
+        }                                                            \
+    } else {                                                         \
+        if (float ## bits ## _is_infinity(arg)) {                    \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_INFINITY;                    \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero(arg)) {                 \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_ZERO;                        \
+        } else if (float ## bits ## _is_zero_or_denormal(arg)) {     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_SUBNORMAL;                   \
+        } else {                                                     \
+            return FLOAT_CLASS_POSITIVE_NORMAL;                      \
+        }                                                            \
+    }                                                                \
+FLOAT_CLASS(class_s, 32)
+FLOAT_CLASS(class_d, 64)
 /* binary operations */
 #define FLOAT_BINOP(name)                                          \
 uint64_t helper_float_ ## name ## _d(CPUMIPSState *env,            \
@@ -3058,61 +3014,6 @@ FLOAT_BINOP(mul)
-#define UNFUSED_FMA(prefix, a, b, c, flags)                          \
-{                                                                    \
-    a = prefix##_mul(a, b, &env->active_fpu.fp_status);              \
-    if ((flags) & float_muladd_negate_c) {                           \
-        a = prefix##_sub(a, c, &env->active_fpu.fp_status);          \
-    } else {                                                         \
-        a = prefix##_add(a, c, &env->active_fpu.fp_status);          \
-    }                                                                \
-    if ((flags) & float_muladd_negate_result) {                      \
-        a = prefix##_chs(a);                                         \
-    }                                                                \
-/* FMA based operations */
-#define FLOAT_FMA(name, type)                                        \
-uint64_t helper_float_ ## name ## _d(CPUMIPSState *env,              \
-                                     uint64_t fdt0, uint64_t fdt1,   \
-                                     uint64_t fdt2)                  \
-{                                                                    \
-    UNFUSED_FMA(float64, fdt0, fdt1, fdt2, type);                    \
-    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                      \
-    return fdt0;                                                     \
-}                                                                    \
-                                                                     \
-uint32_t helper_float_ ## name ## _s(CPUMIPSState *env,              \
-                                     uint32_t fst0, uint32_t fst1,   \
-                                     uint32_t fst2)                  \
-{                                                                    \
-    UNFUSED_FMA(float32, fst0, fst1, fst2, type);                    \
-    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                      \
-    return fst0;                                                     \
-}                                                                    \
-                                                                     \
-uint64_t helper_float_ ## name ## _ps(CPUMIPSState *env,             \
-                                      uint64_t fdt0, uint64_t fdt1,  \
-                                      uint64_t fdt2)                 \
-{                                                                    \
-    uint32_t fst0 = fdt0 & 0XFFFFFFFF;                               \
-    uint32_t fsth0 = fdt0 >> 32;                                     \
-    uint32_t fst1 = fdt1 & 0XFFFFFFFF;                               \
-    uint32_t fsth1 = fdt1 >> 32;                                     \
-    uint32_t fst2 = fdt2 & 0XFFFFFFFF;                               \
-    uint32_t fsth2 = fdt2 >> 32;                                     \
-                                                                     \
-    UNFUSED_FMA(float32, fst0, fst1, fst2, type);                    \
-    UNFUSED_FMA(float32, fsth0, fsth1, fsth2, type);                 \
-    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                      \
-    return ((uint64_t)fsth0 << 32) | fst0;                           \
-FLOAT_FMA(madd, 0)
-FLOAT_FMA(msub, float_muladd_negate_c)
-FLOAT_FMA(nmadd, float_muladd_negate_result)
-FLOAT_FMA(nmsub, float_muladd_negate_result | float_muladd_negate_c)
-#undef FLOAT_FMA
 /* MIPS specific binary operations */
 uint64_t helper_float_recip2_d(CPUMIPSState *env, uint64_t fdt0, uint64_t fdt2)
@@ -3210,6 +3111,106 @@ uint64_t helper_float_mulr_ps(CPUMIPSSta
     return ((uint64_t)fsth2 << 32) | fst2;
+#define FLOAT_MINMAX(name, bits, minmaxfunc)                            \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,            \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs,        \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t ft)        \
+{                                                                       \
+    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                           \
+                                                                        \
+    fdret = float ## bits ## _ ## minmaxfunc(fs, ft,                    \
+                                           &env->active_fpu.fp_status); \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                         \
+    return fdret;                                                       \
+FLOAT_MINMAX(max_s, 32, maxnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(max_d, 64, maxnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(maxa_s, 32, maxnummag)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(maxa_d, 64, maxnummag)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(min_s, 32, minnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(min_d, 64, minnum)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(mina_s, 32, minnummag)
+FLOAT_MINMAX(mina_d, 64, minnummag)
+/* ternary operations */
+#define UNFUSED_FMA(prefix, a, b, c, flags)                          \
+{                                                                    \
+    a = prefix##_mul(a, b, &env->active_fpu.fp_status);              \
+    if ((flags) & float_muladd_negate_c) {                           \
+        a = prefix##_sub(a, c, &env->active_fpu.fp_status);          \
+    } else {                                                         \
+        a = prefix##_add(a, c, &env->active_fpu.fp_status);          \
+    }                                                                \
+    if ((flags) & float_muladd_negate_result) {                      \
+        a = prefix##_chs(a);                                         \
+    }                                                                \
+/* FMA based operations */
+#define FLOAT_FMA(name, type)                                        \
+uint64_t helper_float_ ## name ## _d(CPUMIPSState *env,              \
+                                     uint64_t fdt0, uint64_t fdt1,   \
+                                     uint64_t fdt2)                  \
+{                                                                    \
+    UNFUSED_FMA(float64, fdt0, fdt1, fdt2, type);                    \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                      \
+    return fdt0;                                                     \
+}                                                                    \
+                                                                     \
+uint32_t helper_float_ ## name ## _s(CPUMIPSState *env,              \
+                                     uint32_t fst0, uint32_t fst1,   \
+                                     uint32_t fst2)                  \
+{                                                                    \
+    UNFUSED_FMA(float32, fst0, fst1, fst2, type);                    \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                      \
+    return fst0;                                                     \
+}                                                                    \
+                                                                     \
+uint64_t helper_float_ ## name ## _ps(CPUMIPSState *env,             \
+                                      uint64_t fdt0, uint64_t fdt1,  \
+                                      uint64_t fdt2)                 \
+{                                                                    \
+    uint32_t fst0 = fdt0 & 0XFFFFFFFF;                               \
+    uint32_t fsth0 = fdt0 >> 32;                                     \
+    uint32_t fst1 = fdt1 & 0XFFFFFFFF;                               \
+    uint32_t fsth1 = fdt1 >> 32;                                     \
+    uint32_t fst2 = fdt2 & 0XFFFFFFFF;                               \
+    uint32_t fsth2 = fdt2 >> 32;                                     \
+                                                                     \
+    UNFUSED_FMA(float32, fst0, fst1, fst2, type);                    \
+    UNFUSED_FMA(float32, fsth0, fsth1, fsth2, type);                 \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                      \
+    return ((uint64_t)fsth0 << 32) | fst0;                           \
+FLOAT_FMA(madd, 0)
+FLOAT_FMA(msub, float_muladd_negate_c)
+FLOAT_FMA(nmadd, float_muladd_negate_result)
+FLOAT_FMA(nmsub, float_muladd_negate_result | float_muladd_negate_c)
+#undef FLOAT_FMA
+#define FLOAT_FMADDSUB(name, bits, muladd_arg)                          \
+uint ## bits ## _t helper_float_ ## name (CPUMIPSState *env,            \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fs,        \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t ft,        \
+                                          uint ## bits ## _t fd)        \
+{                                                                       \
+    uint ## bits ## _t fdret;                                           \
+                                                                        \
+    fdret = float ## bits ## _muladd(fs, ft, fd, muladd_arg,            \
+                                     &env->active_fpu.fp_status);       \
+    update_fcr31(env, GETPC());                                         \
+    return fdret;                                                       \
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(maddf_s, 32, 0)
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(maddf_d, 64, 0)
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(msubf_s, 32, float_muladd_negate_product)
+FLOAT_FMADDSUB(msubf_d, 64, float_muladd_negate_product)
 /* compare operations */
 #define FOP_COND_D(op, cond)                                   \
 void helper_cmp_d_ ## op(CPUMIPSState *env, uint64_t fdt0,     \

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