Am 04.11.2014 um 16:25 hat Stefan Hajnoczi geschrieben:
> On Tue, Nov 04, 2014 at 11:11:33AM +0100, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> > Am 03.11.2014 um 16:05 hat Stefan Hajnoczi geschrieben:
> > > The argument that there might not be a traditional filename doesn't make
> > > sense to me.  When there is no filename the command-line is already
> > > sufficiently complex and usage is fancy enough that probing adds no
> > > convenience, the user can just specify the format.
> > 
> > -hda nbd://localhost
> > -drive file=nbd://localhost,format=raw
> > 
> > Almost double the length, and I don't see anything fancy in the first
> > line.
> > 
> > > Anyway, does this sound reasonable:
> > > 
> > > In QEMU 3.0, require the format= option for -drive.  Keep probing the
> > > way it is for non-drive options because they are used for convenience by
> > > local users.
> > 
> > And being hacked while using -hda is better in which way?
> Markus is proposing that we look at the filename extension.  In that
> case QEMU cannot be tricked by the contents of a raw image.
> That makes -hda perfectly safe although there are cases where QEMU
> doesn't know what to do and requires format=.

Wait, by "keep probing the way it is" you mean implementing one of the
other proposals? So you're only suggesting being stricter on -drive as
an additional measure?

> I do worry that changing QEMU's probing behavior drastically can lead to
> consistencies where libvirt does its own probing :(.  Haven't thought
> through the bug scenarios but that could be a security problem in
> itself.

Hm... In which cases does libvirt probe the image format? And is it even
consistent with qemu today?

If you can get libvirt to explicitly pass the wrong format=... option
because it did its own probing, we have a problem no matter what we
change in qemu.


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