On 3 November 2014 10:22, Tim Sander <t...@krieglstein.org> wrote:

> Hi Greg
> Thanks for your fast reply.
> > I am still in the process of getting the security extension portion of
> the
> > GIC patches fully up and running.  By the sounds of your use, it sounds
> > like you just want FIQ support not necessarily secure GIC support.  Would
> > this be correct?
> Yes. More elaborate i am working on a modified cortexa9 versatile express,
> where i added my virtual test hardware.
> > I recently sent out an updated set of patches for review that contain GIC
> > interrupt grouping and FIQ enablement along with secure extension
> > infrastructure.  If interested, you can find the patches here:
> >
> > http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2014-10/msg03921.html
> >
> > Alternatively, it sounds like you have access to the Linaro GIT repos, in
> > which case you can use the following repo/branch that contains the same
> > patches.  It is based on fairly recent upstream bits.
> >
> > repo: git://git.linaro.org/people/greg.bellows/qemu.git
> > branch: tzqemu_gic_v2
> >
> > If you don't need the security extensions, then you shouldn't need to do
> > anything to the code to get FIQ support on vexpress-a9/15 or virt
> machines.
> Ok but i think i see a RAZ codepath in qemu when accessing the gic
> registers
> configuring the interrupt group.

> > Please let me know if you have any further questions or issues.
> I have the problem that the secure_extn property is not set and i have not
> figured out a way to set these.  The corresponding code is a slighly
> modified
> vexpress_common_init in hw/arm/vexpress.c.:519.
> I guess setting the property would be done by
> qdev_prop_set_bool(dev,"security_extn",TRUE);
> but i fail to find the "dev" from the GIC i could use as argument.
> Attached is also a snipped from a debugger run verifing that its indeed
> s->security-extn which is missing.
Ah... Yes, using A9 (GICv1) which means you don't have grouping without the
security extensions.  I tried enabling the security extensions and things
hung, however, I was able to boot A9 Linux and use FIQs with the following

 diff --git a/hw/cpu/a9mpcore.c b/hw/cpu/a9mpcore.c
index c09358c..813ae92 100644
--- a/hw/cpu/a9mpcore.c
+++ b/hw/cpu/a9mpcore.c
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ static void a9mp_priv_initfn(Object *obj)

     object_initialize(&s->gic, sizeof(s->gic), TYPE_ARM_GIC);
     qdev_set_parent_bus(DEVICE(&s->gic), sysbus_get_default());
+    qdev_prop_set_uint32(DEVICE(&s->gic), "revision", 2);

     object_initialize(&s->gtimer, sizeof(s->gtimer), TYPE_A9_GTIMER);
     qdev_set_parent_bus(DEVICE(&s->gtimer), sysbus_get_default());

This may be at least a workaround for you while I figure out where the
security configuration gets hung-up.  Can you give this a try and see if
you can make progress?

The security extensions aspect of the code is fairly untested as I still
need secure address space support, so there may be glitches when security
is enabled.

Best regards
> Tim
> Breakpoint 3, gic_dist_writeb (opaque=0x555556368a80, offset=136, value=0)
> at
> hw/intc/arm_gic.c:820
> 820             } else if (offset >= 0x80) {
> (gdb) list
> 815                     s->enabled = (value & 0x1);
> 816                     DPRINTF("Distribution %sabled\n", s->enabled ?
> "En" :
> "Dis");
> 817                 }
> 818             } else if (offset < 4) {
> 819                 /* ignored.  */
> 820             } else if (offset >= 0x80) {
> 821                 /* Interrupt Group Registers
> 822                  *
> 823                  * For GIC with Security Extn and Non-secure access
> 824                  * For GICv1 without Security Extn RAZ/WI
> (gdb) n
> 826                 if (!(s->security_extn && ns_access()) &&
> (gdb) n
> 828                                 || s->revision == 2)) {
> (gdb) n
> 999         gic_update(s);
> (gdb) print s->security_extn
> $2 = false

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