Hello Everybody, I've got an issue with qemu user-mode networking: I've got a KVM running on a host started with this command line: *qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -drive file=vms/disk.qcow2,if=virtio,cache=writeback -netdev type=user,id=net0,restrict=on,hostfwd=tcp::2011-:22 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0* With this setup, I can log into the VM from the host using localhost, but not the hosts network IP: Works: *ssh -p 2011 root@localhost* Hangs: *ssh -p 2011 root@$(hostname)* Also connections from other machines on the network to port 2011 on the host hang (they do connect, but no traffic is forwarded).
All of this works fine without the restrict=on option, but according to the man page "This option does not affect any explicitly set forwarding rules." which is clearly not the case. All involved machines are running up-to-date Ubuntu 14.04 and the qemu it ships with (2.0.0) on amd64. Any ideas? Has this perhaps already been fixed in a later version that hasn't made it into Ubuntu yet? Please CC me in replies since I'm not subscribed to the list. Cheers, Seb