On 28 October 2014 23:31, Liviu Ionescu <i...@livius.net> wrote:
> On 28 Oct 2014, at 23:10, Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org> wrote:
>> ... and make
>> is notoriously bad at dealing with spaces in filenames.
> really? my Eclipse CDT based build plug-in generates makefiles
> which have no problems dealing with spaces in file names or folders.

Lots of make's builtin functions assume whitespace as argument
delimiter, which doesn't really interact well with spaces inside
arguments like filenames. If your makefile is simple enough
(basic targets and dependencies) you can probably make it work.

>> I could be wrong though, so feel free to have a go at fixing
>> it if you like.
> the makefiles look indeed nightmarish. one more reason why a
> generally prefer managed projects.

They are complicated, which is partly because Make isn't really
a fantastic tool for the job, but partly because we're doing
complicated things. In any case, suggesting that we should
completely throw away what we have currently is not really
a practical suggestion.

-- PMM

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