Hello all, I am in the process of adding ARM security extension support to QEMU and need a mechanism for enabling it and changing the boot default security state. In the case of ARM, the security extensions apply to multiple HW components (CPU, GIC, ...) so it makes the most sense to add a machine property. The question is more of what makes the most sense and is cleanest from the command line. The current plan is to make the new property machine specific but if others see value in making it more generic then I am open to adding it as such. Here are some possible command line syntax options:
1. -machine type=vexpress-a15, extensions=security,foo,... - This approach introduces a new "extensions" generic option that allows architectural machine specific options to be added easily and parsed as appropriate in the arch specific code. 2. -machine type=vexpress-a15, security=on - This approach introduces a more concrete "security" option that can be either specific to certain machines or generic. I am open to other suggested approaches if any. Regards, Greg