On 10/24/2014 08:55 PM, Jan Kiszka wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> writing to you as you provided a fix for the last related issue:
> I just noticed that the samba-based share is broken again with smbd
> version 4.1.11. Tried to look briefly at it, realized that it is a
> permission thing (different error when qemu runs as root) but also some
> more nasty problem with configuring r/w guest access to a share. If you
> have experience in that area, maybe you have an idea.

Oh well.

https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=747636#15 -- note the
date.  I don't know if that my old analisys is correct and whenever
anything has changed since that time...

Not that it helps much, I know, but...



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