On 10/21/14 12:37, Guenter Roeck wrote:
> On 10/20/2014 08:23 AM, Chen Gang wrote:
>> On 10/19/2014 10:58 PM, Guenter Roeck wrote:
>>> This doesn't use devicetree, but the configurations are known to be working
>>> with kernel releases all the way back to kernel version 3.10.
>> Yeah, really it is !
>> After try upstream qemu and upstream kernel, for me, neither them can
>> work well. For xilinx qemu with xilinux kernel, it should be well,
>> although I still met issue below, is what I have done incorrect?
> Difficult to say.
> I use gcc 4.8.0 from kernel.org and qemu 2.1.2 with its default configuration
> for the microblaze big endian target. No idea if that makes a difference,
> but I would suggest to start with those.
> For microblazeel I use gcc 4.9.1 built with buildroot 2014.08 for both
> kernel and initramfs. Initramfs for that target is built from busybox.
OK, thank you very much for your information.

But sorry, I have to stop trying, because that is far from upstream qemu
and upstream kernel (at present, I have no enough time resource on it).

My original goal is "use upstream microblaze qemu to test upstream gcc,
binutils and glibc of microblaze". And now I find another ways: "use sim
which is in upstream binutils to perform the related test".

And welcome any new ideas, suggestions, and completions.

Chen Gang

Open, share, and attitude like air, water, and life which God blessed

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