On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 18:55:25 +0100
Markus Armbruster <arm...@redhat.com> wrote:

> This fixes a few error messages lacking a newline:
> net_handle_fd_param()'s "No file descriptor named %s found", and
> tap_open()'s "vnet_hdr=1 requested, but no kernel support for
> IFF_VNET_HDR available" (all three versions).
> There's one place that passes arguments without newlines
> intentionally: load_vmstate().  Fix it up.

 I'm not a big fun of printing functions that add automatic newline,
specially in C. But I understand that you're doing this because you're
going to prefix some info to the printed string.

 In this case, you could rename the function to qemu_error_nl(). Or at
least document it properly in the function definition.

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