Hi Christopher,

Thanks for the reply, I will take a look at the Versatile Express code.

- Martin.

On 01/10/14 17:41, Christopher Covington wrote:
Hi Martin,

On 10/01/2014 09:50 AM, Martin Townsend wrote:

I'm looking into creating a virtualised test bed for an 802.15.4 network.
Currently I have QEMU running and emulating our HW which bridges the
Ethernet from the guest to the host. What I would like to do is something
similar with the 802.15.4 network interface. The host doesn't have a
physical 802.15.4 interface but if I could get the data out of the guest
and into QEMU I could communicate with a central network simulator to deal
with the packets.

My first thought was to write a virtual device for QEMU that would
interface with our 802.15.4 driver in the guest but then I realise that the
real device hangs of an AMBA bus
What exactly is your objection to this? Aren't there plenty of "AMBA bus"
peripherals that you can reference attached to the Versatile Express for 

so my next idea was to write a PCI driver for 802.15.4 on the guest making
it possible to write a PCI virtual QEMU device.

I just wanted to confirm that this is possible and whether there is a
better solution?

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