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Gal Hammer <gham...@redhat.com> writes:

> Hi,
> A two parts patch to add a QEmu support for Microsoft's Virtual Machine
> Generation ID device.
> The first one add a new ACPI directive which allow to use a 16-bytes
> buffer in an ACPI table. This buffer is for storing the VM's UUID.
> The second is the ACPI tables changes and the actual device.
> Your comment are welcomed.
> Thanks,
>     Gal.
> V5: - include the pre-compiled ASL file
>     - remove an empty line at end of files.
> V4: - Move device's description to SSDT table (dynamic build).
> V3: - Fix a typo in error message string.
>     - Move device's description from DSDT back to SSDT table.
> V2: - Remove "-uuid" command line parameter.
>     - Move device's description from SSDT to DSDT table.
>     - Add new "vmgenid" sysbus device.

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