Let's discard semihosting. I have aarch64-linux-gnu-* toolchain and
qemu-system-aarch64 emulator. How can I build a minimal kernel which
outputs Hello World! via serial port and run it on the emulator?

2014-09-04 21:15 GMT+03:00 Christopher Covington <c...@codeaurora.org>:

> Hi Semion,
> On 09/04/2014 09:40 AM, Semion Prihodko wrote:
> > Still don't know how to build/run a simple Hello World kernel on
> > qemu-system-aarch64?
> >
> > Guys, this is a very basic thing, please provide concrete steps. Thanks.
> Here you go. Start at the wget.
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2014-07/msg03487.html
> Angel semihosting isn't implemented upstream so a text hello world won't be
> trivial, although given enough time it should be possible to implement
> Angel
> semihosting for A64 in QEMU, implement DCC in QEMU and Newlib/libgloss or
> implement PL011 UART or VirtIO-MMIO console in Newlib/libgloss.
> Some of the bootloaders and firmwares out there (bootwrapper, ARM trusted
> firmware, UEFI/Tianocore) may have examples of using the PL011 UART.
> Christopher
> --
> Employee of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
> Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum,
> hosted by the Linux Foundation.

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