On 02/17/2010 11:42 AM, OHMURA Kei wrote:
"We think"? I mean - yes, I think so too. But have you actually measured it?
How much improvement are we talking here?
Is it still faster when a bswap is involved?
Thanks for pointing out.
I will post the data for x86 later.
However, I don't have a test environment to check the impact of bswap.
Would you please measure the run time between the following section if possible?
It'd make more sense to have a real stand alone test program, no?
I can try to write one today, but I have some really nasty important bugs to fix first.

OK. I will prepare a test code with sample data. Since I found a ppc machine around, I will run the code and post the results of
x86 and ppc.

I've applied the patch - I think the x86 results justify it, and I'll be 
very surprised if ppc doesn't show a similar gain.  Skipping 7 memory 
accesses and 7 tests must be a win.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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