On 09/01/14 03:07, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> Il 01/09/2014 07:05, Rob Landley ha scritto:
>> If you grab http://landley.net/aboriginal/bin/qemu-system-sh4.tar.bz2
>> extract it and ./run-emulator.sh (which is a fairly straightforward
>> qemu-system-sh4 invocation on the included kernel image and squashfs
>> root filesystem), older qemu versions would run it just fine, and ctrl-C
>> would pass through to the shell. But current qemu, ctrl-C kills the
>> emulator.
>> I bisected this to commit 02c4bdf1d2ca, although that's between commit
>> a9e8aeb3755b (which broke the sh4 pci bus) and b23ea25f5098 (which made
>> it boot again), so you have to either revert the first or apply the
>> second in order to test that the reverted commit fixes it.
> I get a 404 error, but this is most likely not sh4 specific---can you
> just post here the command line?
I just did (sorry, checked the mailing list folder and didn't see a
reply, I forgot gmail filters out "duplicates" like being cc'd on the
same message, because the gmail developers hate threading.)

The correct URL is:


The command line is:

qemu-system-sh4 -M r2d -nographic -no-reboot -kernel zImage -hda hda.sqf
-append "root=/dev/sda rw init=/sbin/init.sh panic=1 PATH=/bin:/sbin
console=ttySC1 noiotrap HOST=sh4" -monitor null -serial null -serial stdio

And the email telling me to use that command line way back when was:


More context:


Sorry for the confusion, I _really_ need to stop sending these things
after midnight...


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