On Mon, 1 Sep 2014 15:19:28 +0100
"Richard W.M. Jones" <rjo...@redhat.com> wrote:

> A test case, attached.
> Note that you have to look at the output of the final qemu-img info
> command.  In the case where it goes wrong, the 'backing file:' and
> 'backing file format:' lines disappear completely.  In the case where
> the bug is not reproduced, these lines are still present.
> It's 100% reproducible for me when lazy_refcounts=on, and 0%
> reproducible when lazy_refcounts=off.
> BUT it only occurs if the backing file is a remote source (nbd:... in
> this case), not if the backing file is a plain file.  Make of that
> what you will.
> Rich.

Thanks. I'll try that.

Gregory Kurz                                     kurzg...@fr.ibm.com
Software Engineer @ IBM/Meiosys                  http://www.ibm.com
Tel +33 (0)562 165 496

"Anarchy is about taking complete responsibility for yourself."
        Alan Moore.

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