On (Tue) 22 Jul 2014 [11:32:41], Alex Bligh wrote:
> On 22 Jul 2014, at 11:22, Amit Shah wrote:
> > Also interesting is qemu 1.0 -> qemu-kvm-1.0:
> > 
> > Section "isa-pit", Description "i8254": expected field "channels", got 
> > "flags"; skipping rest
> This one, together with the PIIX4 one (which for some reason doesn't
> show up) where the two I hit, after manually fixing the rom sizes
> stuff on the command line.
> Apparently "flags" and "channels" are pseudonyms.

No, they're not; flags is an extra 4-byte param in qemu-kvm-1.0, which
doesn't exist in qemu-1.0.

In qemu-2.1 -M 1.0, "flags" got renamed to "channels[0].irq_disabled",
which is also flagged.

> The piix4_m thing
> is that qemu-kvm-1.0 is actually using version 3 but says it's
> using version 2, which is perhaps why it doesn't show up in your
> test.

You're looking at the wrong output.  You should see one message back,
where I compare qemu-1.0 with qemu-2.1 -M pc-1.0.  That has the
piix4_pm version mismatch flagged.


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