On 07/08/2014 03:10 PM, Anshul Makkar wrote:
> Hi,
> Yeah, I am aware of this option. But the point where I am concerned is
> that if Windows VM is running in QEMU 1.0 with pc-model 1.0 and then I
> upgrade the QEMU to 2.0 and I specify machine as pc-1.2, then Windows
> will see this as change in hardware and complain about the license.

That's by design.  If you were running under qemu 1.0 with pc-model 1.0,
then when you upgrade to qemu 2.0, you must STILL use pc-model 1.0 (and
not pc-1.2) if you want your guest to see the same hardware as what the
older qemu was providing, and therefore avoid a relicensing issue.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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