Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [RFC PATCH V3 1/2] xen: pass kernel initrd to qemu"):
> On Mon, 2014-06-23 at 15:22 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > If we are going to do this then I think the kernel, cmdline and
> > ramdisk (and bootloader) parameters shoudl be moved into the main part
> > of the domain_build_info struct.  This will involve a compatibility
> > layer: temporarily (for at least one release)
> I don't think so -- we would need to retain it forever or at least until
> some sort of "API break" event. We still guarantee that applications
> using the 4.2 API will be supported.
Yes.  Sorry, I meant that the compatibility should be retained for
some considerable time.  So for now we should honour all the existing
config struct members plus also the new cmdline member which should
IMO be in the main part of the struct and not inside pv.

> > Why are you deprecating root= and extra= ?
> I suggested this. They are suckful interfaces which expose Linux
> specifics (e.g. the root= syntax) in our guest cfg files. cmdline is the
> generic equivalent.

I have spoken to Ian C about this and he has convinced me that I was
wrong to object to deprecating root= and extra=.  So please do what
Ian C says, not what I say.  Sorry.


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